New Digs

652 44 8

A/N: Here's a double update for you lovelies!🥰


Everything happens for a reason. I hate that saying, even if it's true most of the time. It's something people say to you when life slaps you in the face. It's not their life, so it's easy to throw out a useless, annoying saying in an attempt to make a person feel better. Here's the truth: telling someone everything happens for a reason doesn't actually make them feel less crappy. In fact, it usually makes them feel worse.

Which is why I'm so glad I have a best friend like Leigh. As soon as I stop crying – it takes a good twenty minutes to get myself under control. I might be pissed off, but I'm not angry enough that this doesn't hurt, a lot, I call her and tell her what happened.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Leigh rarely swears these days. Her anger makes me feel so much better.

"I need a new apartment. Like tomorrow."

"Do you want to stay here until you do? I know there isn't much space, but is it better than staying there? Why don't you pack your things and we'll get you out tomorrow."

"What about Armstrong?"

"What about him?"

"What are you going to tell him? He's going to ask why I'm staying with you."

"He won't know. He never comes here. My mattress isn't soft enough and I don't have much space. I'll probably be at his place twice next week, I can even try for more, but he's got this thing about having his space. At least you won't have to sleep on the couch or an air mattress those nights. Do you want me to come and get you tonight?"

"No. That's not necessary. Perrie's not even in the country. And she won't be back tonight, or at least for a couple of days, so there's no point. I need to pack, anyway."

"Okay. I have to work in the morning. Do you need me to take time off so I can help you?"

"I have a shift tomorrow night, but I have the day free. I can see about getting an Uber van or something."

She's quiet for a few seconds. "Oh! What about Perrie's truck? Are the keys there?"

"You're a genius. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I bet I can get the people who work in this building to cart all my stuff down to the truck, too."

"I'm sure you can, and you should."

I'm so angry I don't even think twice about using Perrie's truck without her permission.

I spend the rest of the afternoon packing. Mostly it's me throwing stuff into suitcases and then crying when I can't get them closed. I'm so stupid. I made this into something it wasn't. I was convinced there was more between us, but obviously I was wrong. I still have to go to work, which sucks. It doesn't matter how long I lie with cucumber slices over my eyes, they're still red and puffy.

I guess Perrie has turned out to be another rich bitch. I should know better than to equate sex with feelings. I sleep like crap, and get up after just a few hours of fitful sleep. No matter, I need to get out of this place. I find Perrie's truck keys and I call the front desk guy to bring a trolley or something up so I can move my boxes out.

Ms. Blackwood comes out to see what all the noise is about. Precious is tucked under her arms. She snarls at me. It's everything I can do not to snarl back.

"Oh, Jenny, are you moving?" She looks past me, into the condo. I take a step back and close the door halfway since Francesca's cage is in the living room.

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