Accidental Snuggles

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A/N: *double-checking if this is the right chapter* (it is)


On Thursday afternoon I get a call from Perrie. I'm still half asleep from having been up so late. I didn't get home until after three in the morning, which isn't typical for a Wednesday, but the club was rented out for a big party. Tips were great. It took a long time to come down from the high of the evening, so I've been out for less than six. I'm an eight-hour girl.

It's a video call from Perrie, which is terrible, since I'm sure I look like hell. I didn't even bother to take off my makeup last night. I probably look like a well-used hooker right now.

I answer the call, but leave the screen pointing at the ceiling.


I glance over, but stay out of view. She looks like she's in a car. "Hey." My voice is raspy from sleep.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. I should probably think about getting up." And then go right back to bed.

"I have some good news!"

"Oh?" I lean over the phone and catch a glimpse of my messed-up hair. I have to use an ungodly amount of product to maintain my hairstyle for the duration of my performance, and I didn't shower before bed. Based on the quick glimpse, I definitely should've.

"Why can't I see you?"

"Because my face looks awful."

"Your face could never look awful."

"Let's not test that theory right now. What's the good news?"

"I'm on my way home."


"We finished ahead of schedule. I'll be home soon."

I pick up the phone. Then drop it just as fast. Shit. I look like a hooker clown on crack. I grab the closest garment, which happens to be a tank top and wrap it around my head, which makes me look as though I'm wearing a head scarf. There's nothing I can do about the makeup still smeared under my eyes, but at least the insanity that is my hair is under cover.

I want to be excited, and I am. I get to see Perrie after four and a half weeks of constant phone conversations that included incredible amounts of innuendo. But the condo is a mess. And there's little in the way of food in the fridge because I planned for her to be back two days from now.

I pick the phone up.

She barks out a laugh. "What's going on over there, Bo Peep?"

I ignore the jab. "My hair looks awful."

"Want to tell me about this?" She motions to my face.

"Performance makeup. So how soon are you going to be home? Tonight?"

"Probably in about an hour, depending on how bad the traffic is."

"An hour?!" It's a shriek. A loud, almost ear-piercing noise denoting very clearly my panic. "But you're not supposed to be home for two days. I'm not ready for you!"

Perrie's smile turns downright lascivious. "All you need to do is wash your face and you're perfectly ready for me, babe."

If I wasn't in complete panic mode I might've been able to appreciate the husky tone, and the hot look in her eyes. But I'm 100 percent panicking because her room is a mess and the rest of the condo isn't much better.

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