Voice Mails

793 51 16


I wake to an empty bed, which isn't much of a surprise since morning has passed and afternoon approaches. My entire body is sore, thanks to the new addition to my workout routine in the form of Perrie.

I stretch out, smiling, and call Perrie's name. I'm greeted with silence. That's odd. It's Saturday, and she didn't say anything about having to go to the office. Throwing off the covers I sit up, the muscle aches amplifying as I get out of bed and pad, naked, down the hall to the kitchen. The French press sits on the counter half-full. I touch the side. The coffee is cool, meaning it must've been made hours ago.

"Perrie?" I call again. I still get nothing.

Maybe she's in her office wearing headphones. She does that sometimes out of consideration, since my hours are so much later than her. I tiptoe over and peek around the corner. She's not there either. What the hell?

Heading back to the kitchen, I root around in my bag until I finally find my phone. Maybe she went out to pick us up something to eat. She's considerate like that as well. The only messages I have are from Leigh. She's been out of town for the past week on a honeymoon test run. That's right, she and Armstrong have gone away for a week to see if they like the location enough to return for their honeymoon. It's an Edwards hotel, so I can't imagine they won't love it. I check the counter, which is where I find one of Perrie's rune-like scrawls.

Good morning, gorgeous.

Hope you slept well. Had to go to an amergency meeting. Not sure when I'll be back. 


I frown, disappointed that my nakedness will go to waste and that the start to my day isn't going nearly as well as the end of my night. Scrolling through my phone, I check my messages from Leigh.

She returned from her pre-honeymoon test run and we have a lunch date. I check the time. I have less than an hour to get ready and meet her in Midtown. A shower is a must, I smell like Perrie and sex.

Firing a message off to let Leigh know I'm on my way, I rush to my room to shower. Twenty minutes later I'm fresh and dressed. My hair is still damp, but it'll dry on the way. I slap on some makeup, grab my purse, and run out the door.

Leigh's already at the restaurant when I get there. She's never late for anything. She puts down her phone when I slide into the seat across from her.

"I was just about to text you. How are you? How are things since Perrie's been back? I feel like we haven't talked in forever." She looks around then leans closer and drops her voice. "Has she walked around the condo in her underwear?"

I feel bad that I've been riding Perrie's dick for a week and my best friend doesn't even know. Although that's not really my fault since she hasn't been around to tell. And I also feel bad that I haven't been honest with her about other things. So I tell her everything. Well, almost everything. We're in a public place so there are things I'm not willing to say aloud for fear of someone overhearing. But I tell her about the job, and Perrie coming to the club last week and getting angry about my lie.

The waiter brings us our lunches just before I get to the best part. I take a pause while she sets our plates in front of us. I've ordered steak frites, which are just French fries with a fancy name and Leigh has ordered a salad.

"They forgot your dressing." I point out.

"I don't need it."

"Without dressing it's just a plate of leaves."

"I like the natural flavors." She waves her fork around. "So Perrie drove you home, then what happened?"

I drop the salad dressing issue and continue with my story. I censor out all the best parts, like the mind-blowing orgasms and the dirty talk and the awesome blowjob I gave and finish with, "And then we had sex." I pop a fry into my mouth and wait.

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