Hard to Control Hard-Ons

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I'm lying in my bed, staring at my closed door with my hands on my lap, wondering what the hell just happened.

Well, I know what just happened, but the question is why was Jade in my bed and why isn't she in it anymore? Both myself and my dick, who I feel is an independent, although very linear thinker, would like an answer to this question.

I consider getting up and going to see if she's okay, but I'm still achingly hard, so I can't go anywhere right now. Also, based on her rushed exit and her inability to speak in coherent sentences, she seems pretty damn embarrassed about the entire thing. I suppose I can wait until morning, which is only two hours away anyway, and we can deal with it then.

As I lie here, filtering through the foggy event that has just transpired, I consider how much of it was related to my dream and how much was real. Mostly all I recall is some boob grabbing and nipple tweaking, and some ass rubbing. I would like to do more of all of those things with her while conscious.

After five more minutes of lying in my bed, thinking about Jade, I give up on her magically reappearing at my door and rub one out. Alone. This time I have some real-ish visuals to help me reach the end. The only thing that would be better is if it was Jade helping me out, instead of me doing it on my own.

Usually orgasms are a decent sedative, but it doesn't work the way I'd like it to. I can't seem to fall back asleep and ninety minutes later my alarm goes off. I pull on a pair of boxers and a shirt before I leave my room, something I'm going to have to get used to doing with Jade living here. At least until we get past this whole awkward reintroduction phase. When I woke up with my hand almost in her panties, I figured we were about to resolve the issue, but then she bolted.

I put coffee on and rifle through the contents of the fridge. It needs to be stocked; pickings are fairly slim. I didn't even think to check the contents before I went to the office yesterday afternoon.

How my arrival was received, and my expectations are not at all in line with each other. In my head, Jade greeted me at the door with high enthusiasm and little in the way of clothing. I got the little in the way of clothing part, but the enthusiasm was replaced with awkwardness. And I hadn't taken into account that she'd have to work, and definitely not for the next four days.

Instead of sitting around in my condo feeling sorry for myself, I went to work. It helped keep my mind occupied. And it gave me a leg up on Lex, who didn't show up until four hours after I did. By that time, I'd already gone through spreadsheets, marketing plans, and development costs with my father. He'd seemed impressed by my dedication to the team and the projects. Having just got off a plane a few hours earlier, he'd fully expected me to take the day. And I would've, if Jade had been home.

I survey the contents of the fridge, deciding what I'd like to make for breakfast. I have the necessary ingredients for pancakes. I've gotten used to starting or ending my day with Jade, and I'd like it to continue.

Once the coffee is made, I knock on her door. I'm met with silence. I try again, the odd knot forming in my stomach gets tighter. "Jade," I call out when the second knock produces more silence.

I try the knob, but it's locked. Shit. Did she think I was going to try and get back into bed with her last night? Was this preventative, or born out of embarrassment?

I've talked to her almost every single day since I left, apart from a handful of travel days. There's been an extensive amount of sexual innuendo in those conversations. In a lot of ways, it's felt like long-distance dating. I've had weeks to get to know Jade, weeks to appreciate her sense of humor. Time to get to know her mannerisms. Time to discover what makes her tick, what her insecurities are, how strong she is, how much she loves my pets, how much I appreciate her choice of bedwear.

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