Chapter 16, Sorry

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As you arrived back at Marley, your stomach felt like it was turning inside out. You didn't see anyone at the shoreline, but you knew you would be able to find them at the horse stables. That's where you all always hung out. You stepped off the boat and started to run towards the stables, wanting to give someone a hug. As you rounded the corner, your eyes met with Porco's. He was mid conversation with the rest of your friends, but he's the only one that saw you. His eyes lit up as your bodies clashed into each other. He squeezed you tightly in a hug and started to sob.

"I was afraid you really weren't going to come back! I missed you so much!" You let go of him and hugged the rest of your friends, Reiner, Pieck, Gabi, and Falco. You hugged them all and cried, "I'm so sorry. I love you guys. I love all of you! I don't know what got into me that day, I should've went back with you guys. I'm so sorry!" Pieck, rested her head in the crook of your neck and whispered, "I'm just thankful you came back y/n. I knew you couldn't leave us."

Gabi shouted, "Your home to make Falco and I Christmas cookies like you promised!" Reiner scoffed while tears started to form in his eyes, "I really though you weren't going to come back. I didn't think you'd be able to handle Paradis." You let go of them and wiped your eyes, "I thought you guys were going to be angry at me." Falco smiled, "No! Just as long as your back, we could never be angry with you!" You patted his head, which he usually hated, but let it slide because he was ecstatic to see you.

You smiled, "Thank you Falco, thank all of you." Suddenly, someone put their hand on your shoulder gently, and just by their touch, you knew exactly who it was. You turned around and threw yourself in his arms, "Zeke!" He hugged you back and said, "Thank you for choosing us. I know how hard it was." Reiner added, "I went through it myself, if you ever want someone to talk to I'm right here." Pieck took your hand and told, "Tonight we're going to sit around the fire, and your gonna tell us what happened. I'll get the beer!" You blushed as you scratched the back of your head, "We're 19.. Who's gonna sell you beer?"

She smiled, "Don't worry about it. I'll be back!"
You laughed uncomfortably, "Okay!" Porco cleared his thoat, "I'll go start the fire." Zeke smirked at you and said, "Why don't we take a walk? I want to talk to you." You nodded, "Sure. That sounds nice." You walked alongside him and asked, "What did you want to talk about." He looked down to the ground and murmured, "I'm just sorry." You asked, "About what?" He replied, "For making you train so much. I had you training sun up til sun down ever since your parents passed. You were only 7, y/n. You never got to have a normal childhood, and I'm sorry."

You shrugged, "Don't be, Zeke. I always considered myself lucky. The rest had to practice transforming with their titans day and night too. I understand how exhausting it was." Zeke argued, "But it was unfair. I always looked down on you, and I underestimated how exhausting your training was. I thought the same way you do, I let the kids catch breaks because I to, knew how tiring transforming was. You never got a break. You might not even remember, but when you were little, you'd pass out from the excessive training." You muttered, "Oh."

Zeke continued, "I always wondered why you didn't hate me, considering everything I put you through, why don't you?" You answered, "At times I did, but my hatred would never last more than an hour. You were always so kind to me after training. You always made me food and tucked me into bed, remember?" Zeke said, "I felt guilty after making you work in the scorching sun. The only thing that took that guilt off my chest was your smile." You laughed and punched his arm, "Your sounding like Eren now. Loosen up!" Pieck screamed at the top of her lungs from a distance, "I got the beer!"

Zeke said, "We better start heading back." You nodded, "We should." You guys walked back to where everyone else was, who were sitting around the campfire. Reiner shoved a beer in you hand and said, "Drink up!" Everyone else, (Besides Gabi and Falco) Cracked open their beer and started to chug. After their swig, Porco asked, "Y/n, aren't you going to drink it?" Pieck chuckled, "Ohhh! How could we forget? Y/n doesn't drink!" Porco scooted next to you and held his beer up to your face, taunting you. "Oh come on! You know you want to!" You laughed, "No, I don't!" He brought his beer to your lips and yelled, "Drink it loser!"

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