Chapter 7, Books

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You shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Eren froze and so did Armin. You didn't stick around for an answer, you stormed off. Once inside your room, you went to the bathroom to look at yourself. There was a big hand print on the side of your face. "Why would he hit me?" Sure, your comment was out of line, but how dare he hit you. You sat down on your bed, still in absolute disbelief. You heard your doorknob turn. You quickly stood up. It was Armin.

Armin whispered, "Shh, it's okay. Eren's not coming in here, I told him to go back to his room" You sat down on your bed and apologized, "I'm sorry Armin, could you get out? It's just been a long day." He sat down at the desk in your room. He disregarded what you asked and stated, "Tell me about it then" And so you did. You told him everything that you could remember about your day. He asked, "Levi told you to stop crying after you almost got trafficked? Are you serious?" You shook your head, "Don't go off getting yourself in trouble over me. I'm just thankful you're here to listen."

He reassured you, "I'm here whenever you need someone to listen." You smiled, "Thanks Armin. I owe you" He shrugged, "You don't owe me, but if you insist, you could read this book for me" You laughed, "Armin, if you want me to read it that bad, I'll do it. Hand it over" He handed you the book with a look of disappointment, "I know you don't want to read it, so try just a single chapter tonight" You argued, "I do want to read it!" Armin stood up, "I know. I'm very tired. Thank you for telling me about your day, and I'm sorry about Eren" You nodded, "Your welcome Armin. Goodnight" He opened your door to leave and whispered, "Night y/n" Once he closed your door, you stared at the book he gave you.

'Am I seriously going to read this? I don't want to.. Can one chapter really hurt? But it's going to take me like 20 minutes!' You groaned and opened up the book. You resentfully started reading. To your surprise, you absolutely loved this book. You kept telling yourself, 'Just one more chapter, if I read anymore I won't be able to wake up' But you couldn't help it, you were too engrossed in the book to stop. It made you feel amazing, it was like living another life, but through pages in a cheap book. Once you finished the book, you almost wanted to read it over again. You peered at the time. The clocks hands were pointed at the seven and twelve.

You whispered, "Armin knew this was going to happen, it's 7:00am and I didn't get any sleep!" You jumped out of bed, changed into new clothes, and brushed your hair and teeth. You didn't know what to do, what were you supposed to say to Eren? Was he going to apologize? You made your way to the dining hall, feeling a bit nervous. As you entered the dining hall, something immediately felt off. Mikasa and Eren weren't sitting with their friends that they were sitting with just last night. Obviously you went to go sit with the other scouts, Hanji, Levi, Connie, Jean, and Armin. You sat next to Hanji. "Hey guys! Is there something wrong? Why aren't Eren and Mikasa sitting with us?" Levi didn't answer your question, but did slide you a plate of food. "I already got you breakfast." You smiled and whispered, "Thanks Captain!"

Armin stated, "He's not sitting with us until he apologizes for last night." You looked around at everyone sitting, "So you guys all know?" Connie spat, "Yeah.. What a fucking dick" You muttered, "Come on guys we're better than this.. He didn't mean to hit me. Not letting him sit with us sounds like cheesy high school drama." Jean said, "Y/n. He chose not to sit with us" You stood up and whispered, "Hang on, I got this" You walked over to Eren and Mikasa who were sitting at a large table alone. You sat down across from the two, trying not to cringe. Mikasa clung onto him like a parasite. It repulsed you.

You politely asked, "You guys, what's up? Why aren't you sitting with us today?" Eren didn't even look at you, he had his head down to where his face wasn't even visible, along with Mikasa. She rested her head on his shoulder and started to run her fingers through his hair. You scooted back in your seat a bit, "Hey, I don't know what this is all about, but why don't you just come and sit with us? You guys look like freaks over here by yourself. Everyone is staring at you." Still, neither of them looked at you or said a word. You laughed, "Ohh your staying quiet.. I was hoping you'd apologize to me for slapping me last night."

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