Chapter 14, Tomorrow

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He took his hand off of your head and asked, "Do.. Do you regret your decision?" You didn't reply. He shakily said, "You- You do don't you..?" You couldn't bring yourself to say anything. He stood up and clenched his fist, "I'm calling it off!" Just as he was going to open the door you yelled, "Stop Eren! It's not that I regret my decision!" He angrily asked, "What is it then?!" You sighed, "I don't want you to leave me, we're young and we don't know any better." His face dropped and his clenched fist fell.

He came up to the bed and hugged you asking, "Why in the world would I want to leave you, your everything I could dream of. Your everything anyone could dream of. Why would you say something like that? I love you with all of my heart y/n. I should be the one worried about you leaving me. Can't you see how pretty you are?" You kissed him and whispered, "I guess we're on the same page then, I wouldn't ever want to marry someone other then you Eren. You're perfect."

You and Eren flopped on your backs, and you reassured Eren, "I'm very excited to get married to you. I love you" Eren said, "I love you too, y/n. Now go to sleep. It's been a long day," You closed your eyes, and whispered, "Goodnight"

You were woken up by Eren kissing your cheek, "Goodmorning beautiful, breakfast is in 5 minutes." You groaned, "Go on, I'll be out in a bit." He nodded while sweetly smiling, "Okay. I'll get you breakfast if Levi hasn't already." He walked out of the room and closed the door. You slipped on your uniform and headed out of your room about 3 minutes later.

As usual Hanji called you over to the table. You sat down next to Eren as he handed you a plate of food. You asked, "Where's Levi?" Hanji replied, "I saw him go outside with a cup of tea. Are you going to ask him?" Jean being his nosy self questioned, "Ask him what?" You ignored him and answered Hanji, "Yeah, I think I am." She stood up and asked, "Can I come with? Please!" Armin muttered, "I'm confused." Eren added, "I am as well. Y/n what's going on?"

You replied, "Nothing. All of you just stay here please." You slowly opened the door to the outside and spotted Levi sipping his tea, standing up, watching the sunrise. You calmly called out, "Captain Levi?" Without looking at you he coldly asked, "What do you need?" You planted your feet next to him, "I need to talk to you.. About the wedding tomorrow" He took another sip of his tea and scoffed, "What? Am I not invited?" You shook your head, "It's not that sir, I-" He cut you off. "I don't have time to talk right now." He started to walk the other direction, so you blurted, "I want you to take on the roll of my father at the wedding!"

He turned his body towards you, and stared at you blankly for a few seconds. Tears started to brim his eyes as he muttered, "Is that what you wanted to ask me?" You nodded, "Yes sir." He blinked aggressively to get rid of the tears that were forming in his eyes. "Of course." Just then, you heard someone whisper behind you, "How wholesome!" You and Levi turned your heads to see Hanji, Hitch, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Connie, and Jean watching you. You yelled. "I told you guys to stay at the table!" Levi walked away in embarrassment. In unison they all murmured, "Sorry.."

That night, you went to bed late. You were beyond nervous. Eren had dozed off next to you, but you just couldn't. You stared at the ceiling for hours on end, until you fell asleep of bordem. You were shaken awake by none other than Hanji and Hitch. They were both dressed up in the outfits Eren got, but that's not what you were worried about. You sat up and exclaimed, "Is everything okay?!" Hitch laughed, "Yeah! Better than okay.. It's great!" Hanji pulled your arm, "Get up get up get up! You need to see the venue Eren got. Your gonna scream!"

You asked, "What? Is it bad?" You stood up as Hitch said, "No! It's beautiful, I mean if heaven was seriously a place on earth, it would be this!" You rubbed your eyes and stated, "That may be a stretch Hitch. What time is it anyway?" Hanji brushed the hair out of your face, "10 am. You were out cold" You asked, "I was asleep for that long? God.." Hitch smiled and spoke through her teeth frustratedly, "That's not what we're worried about right now y/n. You have less then half an hour to get ready." You started to laugh, that had to be a joke.

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