Spooks in the Night

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Yukiko’s POV...

Luckily for me in the coat room there was a bag of old clothes laying in a bin liner; they were probably being taken to the charity shop or something like that. As soon as I realised what was in the bin liner I raced over to it and tugged away at the plastic. It was a little tough to get into but after a while I tore through the bin liner. Through the small tear I made, clothes spilled out onto the floor. After digging through the clothes for a while I found a grey jumper with a dalmatian on the front. Amaya, Junko and Isamu were still in the room, so I shooed them out.  I pulled my top off over my head, having to tug it a little because it got stuck when it reached my head. With my top now off I pulled the grey jumper on and began looking for some pants. Soon after I found a pair of jeans that were normal coloured but they had the holes in knees effect  thingy. It was kinda difficult to get my trousers off with them sticking to my legs and all. After struggling with them for a while I managed to get them off. I had to take my underwear off too seeing as they were now soaked through; I didn’t like this new experience I was feeling, the new experience of being...breezy below. As quick as I could I yanked the jeans on. When I had completed my outfit I looked down at what I was wearing. The jeans made me look sort of badass, but the jumper didn’t match this new look. After searching in the bag for a little while longer I found a leather jacket that seemed as if it would fit me. It did fit me. The jacket was heavy to wear but it made me look cool. Just as I was about to leave I spotted a pair of cream, floral Doc Martens. I threw of my shoes and replaced them with my new found pair. Hello new badass me. I ruffled my hair a bit and strutted towards the door.

I was now in the corridor again, but this time I was alone. There was no Amaya, no Isamu either, not even a mopey Junko to be seen. A wave of fear brushed over me, I was alone, alone and scared. Why did they leave me? Did the caught by the killer? Are they still alive? A lonely tear rolled down my left cheek. Don’t leave me alone here guys. By now I had began to shiver ever so slightly. A loud creak came from behind me. I knew I should have turned around but I was too scared to. The Creaking grew louder and louder. Move Yukiko! My feet began to move, I was running away. I sprinted down the corridor, round a corner and down another corner. Footsteps sounded behind me, they were following me. I ran into a room through a huge steel door. There was saws everywhere and all of them were cover in blood. The room started spinning as I felt faint. Someones hands grabbed me and pulled me behind some boxes that were staked at the back of the room. I began to resist the hands, I was flailing my hand about trying to hit them away from me. 

“Yukiko stop.” Amaya whispered as I looked up to see it was her who had her arms around me. 

“Why didn’t you just call for me instead of freaking me out?” I said lowering my voice to her previous volume.

“The killer is somewhere on this floor. I couldn’t risk being hear and I needed to save you. I’m sorry I freaked you out.” She replied.

“This room!” I cried.

“Don’t worry it’s a meat grinding room. No humans have died here.” She replied whilst trying to calm me down.

So no humans have died here? Well as long as we kept quiet we would not be the first humans to die here. My mind flashed back to Masaru’s death. It had been so brutal. There was no telling how brutal a death would be if a meat grinder was used. The steel door slowly creaked open. 

Someone was coming in....

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