Black Wood Manor

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Satoko’s POV...

It wasn’t too long before we had found a house. The house wasn’t very easy to see, but my eyes being as awesome as they were I picked out the house in the dark of the night. Masaru’s leg was bleeding a lot less then before but it was still bleeding ever so slightly. Yes, Finding the nearest head was a good idea but Amaya didn’t have to be so bossy about it, she had upset Yukiko; we usually do that together, why did she leave me out? 

As we got closer to the house it became more clear. Ivy had wrapped its self all the way around the and was know tightly hugging the black bricks that made the front of the house. It was obviously like the ULTIMATE IVY BEAR HUG because the ivy had cracked the bricks and was now starting to root its way into the house. All the windows had started to rot away. This house was clearly abandoned, why were we still here? 

“Seems like no one is home, maybe we should call back later?” Yukiko joked one; she was clearly trying to get away from this place, scary wasn’t her style, which of course meant lots of pranks for me and Amaya, for example *insert a memory of a scary prank played on friends here*.

I was just about to agree with her when I noticed some light shining from on of the upstairs windows. See my awesome eyes done it again. 

“No wait! Look up there.” I said as I was pointing to the source of the light. 

As everyone looked up the light magically disappeared. Weird but oh well. I ignored everyone as they were talking to each other and discussing what to do next. Without looking behind me I headed straight  for the front door. To my surprise it was swung right open. They must be expecting us. Footsteps sounded behind me. A large hand clamped its self down on top of my shoulder. I froze in place preparing myself for fighting off this foe. 

“What the hell do you think your doing?” An all to familiar voice asked me. 

I turned to find Tatsuya staring into my eyes with a rather questioning look.

“What? Open doors don’t say come straight in to you?” I asked in a rather sarcastic tone. 

“You don’t have a clue what is in there!” He Snapped back. 

This wasn’t the normal Tatsuya I knew. He was taking this all in a serious manor. Whenever Tatsuya felt serious about something I usually backed away but there was something about this house that brought the curious side in me. The house had a spooky appertain about it which got my adrenaline rushing and I liked it. 

“Oh come on Tatsuya, this is unlike you..acting all sacred. C’mon what’s the worst that could happen?” I tried. 

He didn’t have much else to say to that, he just looked at the ground and shuffled his feet about. I pushed his head up with my hand and looked into his eyes with a trust worthy stare. I got a smile in return from him; I knew he agreed to go into the house with me, even if he didn’t fully like it. Footsteps sounded again as Amaya came through the door way. She had a concerned look on her face; she didn’t like scary stuff that much herself even if she did put on a brave face. I knew that she would be staying near me and Tatsuya for most of out time here. She was closely followed by Daisuke who was on a lead now. It just occurred to me that we can’t bring dogs into a strangers house. 

“Are you going to tie him up outside?” I asked.

“No. I don’t care if this is someones house. I need my four legged comfort blanket.” She told me playfully. 

Wait! Where was Masaru? Tatsuya was supposed to be carrying him. 

“What did you do with Masaru?” I questioned.

“There was a small bench outside so I lay him down for a while. I may have huge muscles but I can’t carry him forever.” He smiled.

After about 5 minuets of me, Tatsuya and Amaya talking we went outside and called everyone inside. It was a tight squeeze but somehow all 9 of us and two dogs managed to fit in the tight hallway that the front door lead into.

Loud thudding footsteps sounded from the right hand corner. 

Someone was coming and the didn’t sound very friendly...

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