Chapter 3 - Coming back to the crew!

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For a whole year all you did was study about the world like east blue, west blue, north blue, south blue, redline, grandline, New world and etc.

You study the maps everything was ok till you begin to saw tracks of the abyss. Now you knew why you were sent but what exactly were their after?

You were going to found out, one way or another so you went to a place that the abyss would pick as thier hide out.

Your Pov:

Everything seems sign of them just yet. I wonder if they planning to take over this small island?

I saw a cave and went it and sense the abyss nearby. Ruin guards came into my way I use my cryo vision to defeat them.

" Crap! The archons lapdog had found us! Retreat! " One of the abyss yelled and I immediately broke it's shield.

" What are you after for? " I said in a cold tone as I put the tip of my spear near it's neck. It was gasping for air

" I....I... " I was waiting for answer but it die. I didn't even do anything....I started to look around the cave and saw a huge rock with the Abyss language. I understand it of course I didn't spend my years for nothing.

A message? It was basically talking about a weapon and the past. It had nothing related to Khaenri'ah but something else. Just as expected... nothing but trouble

I sigh I destroy the cave I can't let anyone find this place... neither the abyss it might shook the world that some unknown creatures are here. It might cause trouble for the rest of us.


As you were trying walk out of the crowd someone bump into you

" Watch it..." A familiar voice said. " Ace? I'm surprised we would meet sooner than expected" You said in a soft voice happy to see someone you recognize in a crowd of people. " Ah, Y/n. I thought you were going set sail with Luffy "

Before you could say anything you heard the marine and they pushing people out of the way

" It's hard being so famous " Ace said sarcastically. You actived your Anemo vision to get you and Ace out of here. You arrive at the dock with Ace in your arms

" Did you eat a devil fruit? " Ace said as he got down feeling embarrassed. " No " that's all you said before saying. " Where's your ship? ".

" We hid it obviously. We can't let the marines know we're here " He said. " Where is it? If say stay here any longer we would get caught " Ace told you were the Moby dick was.

" I'll show the way- " Before Ace could finished his sentence you throw him over your shoulder and ran full speed to the Moby dick.

As soon as you stop Ace got down and look around to make sure no one saw that. " Don't do that every again " Ace grab both of your shoulder. " Yes, but if we pick your opinion marine would chase us and we will just bring them here instead " You replied.

" Ace, who is that? " An unknown voice said. " This is my little brother's first mate " Ace said proudly because you were pretty cool and look badass. " Nice to meet you " You said.

Ace talk about his adventures and you listen to every details.

" Make sure to tell Luffy every single detail! I wanna make sure he knows how awesome my crew is " He said childishly. " Sure, Luffy would be happy to hear your adventure. Everything I have a newspaper in my hand he would asked if your there " Ace felt flattered by that.

" I'll get going, I have things to take care of before finally accompany Luffy " You wave goodbye to Ace as you saw thier ship setting sail.

One year later....

Luffy was being executed by Buggy in Rogers execution platform

" Looks like I'm dead" Luffy flash his smile to the crowd of people suddenly a purple lighting strike the execution platfrom. The people gasp as they saw someone unknown.

" It's nice seeing you again, captain" You put the stawhat in his head. " I knew you would come back! " Luffy hug you. " For being missing....Allow me to clear our path " Luffy nodded and you smile at the marines who's fate has already been decided.

You use electro vison to clear the way which was very affective. You went ahead so that Luffy could have a clear path.

" Who's that? " The swordman asked

" Let's go marimo before the marines get to us! " The cook of the crew said as he kicked the swordman. " Let's go! " Luffy yelled happily as he ran on the clear path you made.


At the going Merry

" Luffy did you just grab some random!? " Nami yelled at Luffy while pointing at you who was sitting on the railings for the ship.

" That's Y/n and they been on the crew for three years " Luffy laughs as the crew jaw dropped. " So that means Zoro isn't actually the " first mate"? " Usopp asked.

" I say thier much better than the marimo since they can stuck lighting and save our coptain's life " Sanji said as he light up his cigarette. " That purple lighting....WAS YOU!? " Nami yelled at you. " Yes, Since our captain is made of rubber I decided to attack with electro and with the rain I could easily wipe out the marines " You replied.

" Since you were in the crew for three years, how come you didn't travel with Luffy? " Asked Zoro.

" I was studying about islands, I may be strong but I need to know more about the world or else I would useless " You simply reply.

" At least we won't have another idiot on our crew, I mean they might even save us and we could live longer! " Usopp said as he shook Nami. " That's right! Welcome to the crew! Eh..." Nami waited for you to shake her hand

" Y/n, pleasure to meet you " You said as you shook Nami's hand.

" You really are a beast, huh? " Zoro said as he took some interest on you. " Y/n can't just do lighting! They can other things, Y/n show them! " Luffy ordered you but you were too busy looking at the sky.

" Shouldn't we set sail before we get stuck here by a storm? Who's the navigator? " You asked and Nami rised her hand before starting to bark orders at everyone


To be continued

The updates might be slower since I'm about to graduate soon and I'm very nervous...


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