Chapter 3: First Mission

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The strong smell of macaroni and cheese was strong as you lied on your side on the bed of your new room, one of your hands tracing over one of the scars on your arm where your sleeve have droven up, eyes focused on them, seeming deep in thought before your eyes flicked around the room, (e/c) landing on your photo album on your dresser you have put on while packing out your backpack, you say up, grabbing it and laid back against the wall after putting a pillow not to hurt your head.

Begging to flip through the pages you immediately felt sad at the smiling faces of various people you used to call family and your found family staring back at you.

'Those were the good old days. Danger, struggles and drama everyday but they were like my family.' You thought in sorrow, a pained smile on your face before flipping to another page.

One photo in particular brought tears to your eyes, having to bite your lip to hold back a sob, not even bothering to wipe the stray tear making it's way from your eye, a lump forming in your throat and a heavy sadness piercing your chest. This photo is one you'd cherish forever.

It was a photo of a red haired woman on your back koala hugging you with a smirk while you were pulling a startled face at almost having fallen over at the unexpected moment, wondering how your other friend that took the pic timed it so well bc you indeed have ended up face first into the floor seconds later with her on your back, remembering her laughter and teasing remarks like it happened yesterday.

'Geez, are you falling for me?' She have snickered teasingly while grunting at the pain after having had her arms crushed under your body sprawled underneath her.

'You wish. You freaking jump attacked me outta nowhere.' You gotten up and pulled her up, making sure the shorter woman was alright.

Tears freely roamed down your cheeks now at the memory, it was years ago but it really felt like it only happend yesterday and reading the words underneath the photo.

Reckless besties forever was scribbled in your friends handwriting and you felt your chest tighten even more because you could swore you heard her familiar accent perfectly while reading that.

Flipping through more pages an envelope stuck to a paper caught your eyes, a look of confusion on your face while you went to remove it from the plastic cover it was in but your door was opened without warning and Yelena were standing at the door, her green eyes scanning the room until they landed you on the bed, eyes widen when seeing you in such a state, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable for having just barged in on something that looks to be a sensitive thing.

"Holy shit Belova, are you trying to give me a heart attack at random times?!" A hand flew to your chest, before you shut your photo book, clutching it tightly to your chest while you wiped away your tears as fast as possible with your other hand, hoping she didn't see too much and see her judgemental look throw at you, sending her a glare before looking out the window next to your bed.

Yelena's Pov:

After I finished the macaroni I made my way towards the other woman's room, barging in without knocking.

Scanning the room my eyes landed on her sitting on her bed, and a book in her hands...and are those tears that I see?

"Holy shit Belova, are you trying to give me a heart attack at random times?!" She said loudly before she snapped the book shut and clutched it to her chest, wiping away the tears on her cheeks, sending me a glare before she looked out the window.

I immediately felt a little guilty at having barged in like this and seeing her in such a state. That book in her hands much clearly mean something to her.

The Black Dove (Yelena Belova x fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now