Chapter One: First Meeting

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Reluctantly trailing behind the black haired woman into a impressive looking house in a secluded area Yelena took note of every detail as much as possible, still on high alert for any suprise attack that might come her way, she have after all only met this woman recently and was hard to trust people, especially with her past since the red room, silently reeling at the flashbacks of it despite it having been years ago, successfully keeping a poker face, green eyes focused back on the woman as they reached a dark wooden door, closing the door behind them silently as the dark haired woman made her way to a wooden desk in the middle of the room, a black laptop on it along with scattered files, notes and pens. Marbel paintings on all sides of the white walls, statues and some plants placed all over the place to give the office a more relaxed yet still powerful look, mahogany curtains hanging on golden rails, blocking out most of the sun that is spreading through the towering windows covering the whole back wall and leather black couch on a red carpet to the right side of the office near a wall that is covered from top to bottom in shelves with lots of books and some files that looked to be classified and important.

Sitting down on the black swivel chair, Valentina gestured with her hand towards the other chair in front of her desk, folding her hands together and resting her chin on them while Yelena took a seat on the chair, green eyes focused on the dark haired woman intensely.

"I want to assign you to your first official task for me today." Valentina started, a serious tone in her voice, watching the blonde before her who is listening intently with a excited gleam in her green eyes.

"What is the task and when do I start?" The russian woman asked immediately, already eager to get busy with this new chapter and mission in her life, helping her means she's closer to get revenge on Clint for the death of Natasha and she wanted him to suffer like she had at the loss of her sister.

Valentina watched the younger woman amusedly, knowing how easily she can twist Yelena to her wishes, a broken heart is easy to manipulate and she was fully intended on doing just that to get her ways and be rid of Clint once the right time comes.

"Not so fast Belova." Valentina held up a hand at the blonde.

"I'll give you all the details and information soon that you will need for the mission, but you won't be going alone." The black haired woman continues.

Yelena immediately scowled at hearing this.

"I work alone. I don't need someone to slow me down and hold me back." She said pointedly, eyes narrowed.

Valentina only straightened herself to sit upright, her pale hands resting on the dark wood of her desk as she pointed a look at Yelena, already having expected this reply and she knew all too well that the other party won't be too happy having to work with someone either, always preferring to be alone too.

"Belova, this isn't up for discussion. You want to avenge your sister, you need my help with that so I expect you to cooperate here with me." Valentina cut her off coldly, glaring daggers when it looked like the blonde wanted to open her mouth to protest further.

'черт возьми' Yelena thought to herself annoyedly but kept her mouth shut, knowing that the older woman is right about needing help.

"Fine. I just hope this person won't slow me down or something." The blonde russian sighted, taking notice how the smile returns to Valentina's face.

"Excellent. I'll be introducing you to her soon, she should be here any minute now. I've sent her on a mission two days ago and she have let me know this morning she's on her way back to report to me." The woman explained while now fiddling with a pen.

"She won't disappoint. She's actually the best I have working for me. She gets things done without a fuzz and can hold her own when things starts to get...chaotic and dirty."

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