...Dearest Cousin Ralphy...

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It was the 21st of June. Aka, my cousins birthday party. He called me yesterday, because he already knew how antisocial I can get. He told me not to worry because it was just gonna be family we were still fond of, and some of his friends that get there own table.

He genuinely wanted me to go, so I really appreciated him for keeping the guest list simple. He even let me invite Sebastian since he had "Butler privileges."

I didn't even know that was a thing-

Well anyways, it was the 21st. The timing was 3 pm. I had already showered it the morning since I wanted to let my hair naturally air dry. And I had 3 hours to get ready.

Honestly my pace was slow since 3 hours should be more then enough time for me. It's not like I'm going in a big huge dress, and a face full of make up. Gotta keep it simple and less...shiny and noticeable.

I started with my hair. First brushing it out then straightening it. Afterwards, I curled the tips just for a little...extra elegant shit or sum?

*Time Skip*
(I'm lazy)

It was 5:34 pm. Finally I was ready, and "elegant" as my cousin would say. Simple, but enough to get accepted inside.

I had my hair slightly curled, with the dress that I picked out, I even wore high heels for this. I'm glad my mother taught me how to wear and walk in them, or else I would be a total wreck. I wore an expensive necklace, and even small earrings to match.

The fit was complete.

[Next you put on a badass hat and a Gucci belt...ok I mean a elegant hat...ok no hat...and no Gucci belt. Cousin Ralph would have been jealous anyways...]

Sebastian knocked at the door to my room. Most likely because we don't want to be late.

Sebastian: Ma'am, we should get going now. Are you ready?

I opened the door and revealed to him my 3 hours worth of dressing.

Sebastian: My my, miss you look wonderful. Absolutely divine.

Y/N: You think so?

Sebastian: I know so.

Y/N: Thank you Sebastian.

I smiled with humbleness.

Sebastian: Shall we go?

Y/N: Yes. Let's go.

*Short Timeskip*

Y/N: Hopefully Judo doesn't decide to mess up the house while we're gone.

Sebastian: It's a shame we couldn't take him with us.

Y/N: Agreed. Although I'm sure we won't be gone for long.

Sebastian: Speaking of which. How long are you planning to stay?

Y/N: I'll say...like 3 hours or so. If we're having a good time, I suppose we can stay longer.

Sebastian: Alright.

*Time Skip to the party*

We arrived right on time. Sebastian parked the car and helped me out of the car as a gentleman would. Arriving at the door, I saw my cousin. Greeting people with a smile. He looked handsome tonight. He wore his best suit, and his hair for once was combed.

Ralph: Y/N!! I'm glad you can make it!!

Y/N: Ralphy!!

I smiled to him as he hugged me tightly.

Ralph: You must be Sebastian.

He said once he got a good look at him.

Sebastian: Yes. How did you know?

Ralph: I took a wild guess. Y/N's mom wouldn't stop talking about you when she assigned you to Y/N's house. Honestly if I was clueless, my second guess would be that you were her boyfriend.

He laughed at his own joke. While Sebastian only chuckled and side eyed me. He's gonna tease me about this later, isn't he?

Ralph: Well let's go inside. We'll get you settled at your own private table. Okay?

Y/N: Okay. Thank you.

Ralph: No need to thank me. I'm your cousin and I want you to feel comfortable.

He said as he led us inside.

Ralph: Feel free to call me over you need something though. I don't mind at all.

Y/N: Thanks but I think I'll manage. Plus I have a feeling our other cousins, aunts and uncles are gonna smother me with questions.

Ralph: Well they haven't seen you in years. So that's understandable.

We started walking to the main room we'll be in most of the time. It was a big room, with tables surrounding the dance floor.

I swear if Ralph makes me dance-
It's an elegant party too, so it's not no Running Man dance, or breakdancing and shit like that.

Ralph: You guys can pick a table that you see fit. A wine bottle is set up at each table by the way.

I started looking around a bit till he started speaking again.

Ralph: I'ma continue greeting guests, I'll see you soon.

Y/N: Alright thank you.

He nodded and smiled before leaving.

Sebastian and I found a table and settled there. It was a table basically in the middle of it all. Honestly if I was gonna be hear, I needed to see all the family tea that goes on, so I needed a good view.

Y/N: I forget how talkative Ralph can be.

Sebastian: He certainly is the extroverted type.

Y/N: He's always been like that. He would be the one to ask store employees where stuff was at for me.

He chuckled a bit.


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