...The Detective...

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Y/N: Stupid pencil.

All of a sudden I see a 6'4 butler peek inside the room.

Sebastian: ...need a pencil sharpener?
Y/N: Where did you come from?!

He laughed a bit as I sighed.

Y/N: Yes, I need the pencil sharpener.

He came in the room and took out a sharpener from his pocket. Where did he get that from- you know what never mind.

Y/N: Thanks.

Their was a long silence till finally he spoke.

Sebastian: Madam, I've been meaning to ask you something.

I looked up from my papers from curiosity.

Y/N: What is it?
Sebastian: Were you always a novelist, or did you write articles as well?

I tilted my head a bit.

Y/N: Yes, I used to write articles but that was years ago.

Sebastian: I felt your name was familiar, I believe recalling an article from you. About a fire in London.

Yup he's right. I've written 6 articles when I was a journalist, but later moved on to be a novelist.

I nodded in surprise that he's read one of my article.

Sebastian: Also, Madam? May I ask, do you wear glasses?

Odd question..

Y/N: Uhh, no.

Sebastian: Then why did I find contacts in your room?

Y/N: Why were you in my room-

Sebastian: To clean of course.

From this rate he's gonna find out-

Y/N: Also...I don't recall contacts having contacts.

I lied.

Sebastian: Though there right next to your bed. The thing I found strange was how there was only one contact missing.

Y/N: ....oh those contacts.......maybe Judo got it.

Sebastian: They're the exact same color as your eyes.

Y/N: Ok fine! You're so nosy!

He looked at me with curiosity.

Sebastian: Explain if you don't mind.

I sighed in slight annoyance.

Y/N: As long as you dint tell anyone.

Sebastian: Understood.

Y/N: I'm half demon.

Why I sound like I'm trying to be hella quirky....never mind.

Sebastian: I had a feeling you were.

Y/N: What?

Quick memory-

I heard another Ding Dong.
That's when I picked up the pace to get to the door. Finally once I did, I opened the door to see a tall man with raven black hair, and nicely dressed in a butler like suit.

Y/N: I apologize for the wait-

We both looked at each other in a slight discomfort, as if we noticed something about each other that was just off. Quickly snapping out of it, I spoke.



Y/N: Sebastian- you're a demon too aren't you?

He nodded with a small smile. Unexpected.

Y/N: Are you gonna eat my soul?!?!

Sebastian: Uh- No madam... also, you're half demon? How'd that happen?

Ok good he's not gonna eat my soul..what he ask again? Oh ya.

Y/N: I suspect my father is a demon. Although I've never met him so I can't be sure.

Unless I'm just some evil spawn that happened to be half human-

Sebastian: Madam-

Y/N: Oh Sebastian, it isn't the 1800s. Just call me Y/N.

I say as I pick up a pencil and twirl it around in between my fingers.

Sebastian: I think I'll just stick to Madam.

Y/N: Suit yourself, honestly I don't really care what you call me. It can be bozo and I wouldn't care.

Sebastian: Why would I call you- Never mind.

I laughed a bit.

Sebastian: Well Madam, I must tend to my duties now.

Y/N: You're just gonna throw your detective skills in my face and leave?

He chuckled a bit.

Sebastian: Afraid so. Though it was all just my curiosity.

Y/N: If you say so.

*Bruhh I'm having huge writers block 😕*

[Dance Of Demons] Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now