...Dress Shopping...

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I was usually busy with the current novel I'm writing, but I took time to relax with Judo. I smiled as he licked my hand and cuddled against me in a comforting matter.

That's when I heard my phone ring. Judo looked at the ringing phone as if it was his worst enemy.

I picked it up and saw it was my mother.

I answered and held the phone to my ear as Judo clawed the phone a bit since it was "distracting me" from giving him attention.

Y/N: Hello?

I greeted, that's when I saw Sebastian silently come inside the living room in curiosity.

Mom: Y/N! I have plans for you!

Y/N: Oh um...what are they?

I said in slight discomfort and confusion.

Mom: Well, your cousin Ralph is having a party for his birthday. It'll be such an elegant party, you should go!

Y/N: Little Ralphy?

That's what I used to call him when we were young. He was a short kid despite him being a year older then me.

Mom: Ah but he isn't little Ralphy anymore, he's grown up now and wants you to attend.

Thanks for stating the obvious....

Mom: You guys haven't seen each other in years! You should go!

Y/N: Well who's going..?

Mom: A lot of family, and Ralph's friends.

Well that was an obvious answer.

Y/N: Fine, I'll go.

Mom: Ooo great! I'll tell Ralph! He's gonna be so happy!

Y/N: When is it?

Mom: June 21st. Very soon!

Y/N: Time?

Mom: 6 pm!

Y/N: You said an "elegant" party..right?

Mom: Yes! You know your cousin, very elegant and kinda old timey. It's a chance to dress up and have a good time. Catch up with family.

Y/N: You'll be there?

Mom: Of course I will!

Y/N: Alright mom, I'll be there.

Mom: I'm so excited! Anyways I have to go. Your aunt is calling me.

Y/N: Ok bye.

Mom: Toodless.

She hung up and I looked at Sebastian with a sigh.

Y/N: Mann, I have to go to a party on the 20th. Like, I love my family but I'm too introverted for that.

Sebastian: Understandable. Perhaps we can leave a little early?..or find a place to relax when you feel introverted?

Y/N: He does have a little flower garden at his house. It's nice actually, helped me calm down in the past.

Sebastian: Perfect. Now for elegance..do you have dresses we can choose from?

Y/N: About that....I don't own any. Honestly dresses aren't really my thing-

Sebastian: Understandable...?

He said in some confusion.

Sebastian: Well to attend this party, we have to be elegant! So get ready! We're off to the store!

Y/N: Woah woah woah, who ever said "we?" You're going too?

Sebastian: I'm always elegant, so I automatically get an invite.

He playfully scoffed.

Sebastian: Also I get butler privileges.

Y/N: Alright I'll go get ready.

I rolled my eyes. I got up and Judo looked at me in horror as I walked away.

Judo's mind: This. Bitch.

When I looked back Sebastian went over to him and started petting him.

Judo's mind: Oh. You have butler privileges so I guess this is fine.

I smiled a bit when I saw the two getting along. Finally I left to get ready.

*Time Skip*

I didn't know Sebastian could drive a car. I mean...he's one hell of a butler so I guess it made sense.

Anyways, we got to the dress store and I was absolutely astonished when I walked it. There was different types of fabric, and different colors. It wad amazing.

Sebastian: Alright, is there a specific color your looking for?

Y/N: Um..either black or red honestly.

Sebastian: Hmmm elegant colors indeed.

I looked around as Sebastian went into stood near me, helping a bit. Finally, I found a dress that was perfect. It wasn't "steal the party" style nor too bland. I was happy with it.

Sebastian: I noticed this is to your likings?

Y/N: Ya it is..

I smiled to myself.

Sebastian: Would you like to look around some more, or is this a final chose?

Y/N: I'm happy with this one.

Sebastian: Alright.

He picked up the dress and I followed him to the counter. It was a teenager as the cashier.

Sebastian then stepped back behind me so I can pay.

Teen cashier: Oh my gosh this is such a lovely chose!! It's gonna bring out your (e/c) eyes so much!

Y/N: Thank you!

I smiled.

Teen Cashier: No prob! Is there a special event happening?

She made conversations as she rang up the dress.

Y/N: Yes, my cousins birthday.

Teen cashier: Ohhh. You're gonna look so pretty!

She said as she finally got the total.

*Time Skip*

We got home and Judo was happy to see us. I immediately went to my room and put it in my closet in caution of messing it up somehow.

(Sorry for the major lack of posting! I had major writers block and didn't know what to do with this story, but I've decided what to do!! So stay tuned ig?)

[Dance Of Demons] Sebastian X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum