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I put the phone to my ear as it rang. I heard noises coming from behind me, turning around. It was Sebastian... reorganizing my cleaning supplies.

Mom: Hello?

I turned back around.

Y/N: Hello? Mom?
Mom: Yes.
Y/N: Did you send me a butler?
Mom: Oh yes dear, he's fantastic.
Y/N: But I didn't ask you too.
Mom: Oh just give it a chance. Makes some friends.
Y/N: You talk to me as if im a child.

I sighed.

Mom: Come on just give it a chance. He'll be helpful I promise.

I turned back around to see the Butler named Sebastian repainting the cabinets.
I turned back around.

Y/N: No. I don't need help.
Mom: Stop being so independent. You're busy a lot aren't you?
Y/N: Well ya-
Mom: So he'll help you around the house so you don't have too. Cleaning can be a nuisance while being busy you know.

She was right...but I've never really taken the help that was offered for me. I turned back around to see Sebastian was now polishing..... butter knifes.. for some reason.

I turned back around, inhaling in acceptance.

Y/N: Fine.
Mom: Also he's a great chef! Oh you already said "Fine"

I chuckled a bit from the fact my mother was gonna continue to try and convince me.
Wait did she say he's a great chef?? He can stay for as long as necessary!

Sebastian: OOOO!

I turned around.

Sebastian: I didn't know you had a cat!
Cat: Meow.

He cleared his throat and deepened his voice as if he didn't just get excited over a cat.

Sebastian: I mean, this cat is truly adorable and looks well fed. Very healthy.

He sounds like a business man or something-

Y/N: Um ya...his name is Judo. Anyways I'ma go now mom.

I said to my mother listening to this on the other line.

Mom: Alright dear. Bye.
Y/N: Bye bye.

I said as I hung up, while watching Sebastian pet Judo.

Sebastian: Judo, the name meaning fighter?
Y/N: Ya when I found him, he bit me. So I felt that name fit.

I laughed nervously.

Sebastian: How long did you have him?
Y/N: Found him when he was a kitten, outside the original owners house. The owner said he was the "Runt" of the family. So I offered to take him.

Judo sniffed Sebastian and licked him. Judo was a pretty Korat Cat, with soft grey fur and gorgeous green eyes. He was a pretty lazy cat, but didn't mind an adventure once in a while.

*Random scenario I thought of while making this:

Judo: Meow bitch.
Y/N: He does that sometimes, sorry.

I said as I awkwardly chuckled and picked Judo up.

Sebastian: Tf...? ;-;

End of scenario XD*

[Dance Of Demons] Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now