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When I woke up again, I was barely able to move, or to breathe, my body feeling like it was made out of the heavy cement that made blocks in Lord Heisenberg's factory, and it was all I could do to force my eyes open, gentle hands stroking my face. "I will not allow you to go.. I cannot let you. You are mine. The only person I- You mean more to me than my flowers or my dolls, and I will never forgive my brother for what he has done to you. This is going to hurt very badly, but after it's done, you will be alright." Before I knew what was happening, a sharp pain lanced through my arm, and the next thing I knew was even more pain than before, and I was nauseous as fuck, not able to help it, as I sat up, and threw up black goo and blood into a bucket that was beside the bed, shaking and dizzy.

After about an hour of throwing up, and agonizing pain, it finally stopped, and I felt my body healing itself quickly, then coughed a bit as Donna pulled me into her arms, instantly letting go again, as I hissed in pain. My back felt sore and raw, especially my shoulders, and I didn't know why, but the way Donna guiltily averted her eyes told me there was something wrong. "What's wrong with my back? Donna, I'm fucking serious- WHAT is wrong with my back?? It hurts.." She swallowed hard, before slowly reaching behind me, and then, I felt the weirdest sensation, and couldn't help the low moan that came out of my throat. "You- Perhaps Mother Miranda should tell you. As sensitive as you are about your body already, you may not like the answer, and I couldn't stand being the one to make you feel even more insecure and upset. I never want to hurt you, my love."

I began panicking, giving myself a neck cramp as I angled my head towards my back, trying to figure out what could be so bad that I'd feel insecure about it. Maybe that asshole that stabbed me had given me a really bad scar, but why would that make Donna look as awkward as she did? And a scar wouldn't have caused the weird feeling that made an ache burn between my legs, either, so what was it?? "I'm asking you.. Not my mother. Please?" I couldn't stand not knowing what it was, honestly starting to have a panic attack. "Shhh, alright- I will tell you. Just calm down." Before she could say another word, Angie shrieked from somewhere near her on the floor, "HA! And you were making fun of the bird lady! You look like a deranged chicken! You have wingsssss!" I blinked, her words taking a moment to sink in, as Donna glared down at her, muttering something about locking her in a wardrobe as a timeout, then felt my heart sink. "Wings?! That's not- No way."

I put my hands on my face, as sharp pain stabbed my skull, and realized that they weren't lying, and remembered all the shit I'd done. "I- I tore them apart, didn't I? I drank their blood, and slaughtered them.. I'm a monster." Hot tears stung my eyes, and I shook my head, as Donna reached for me. "I don't wanna hurt you, too. I can't- Not you." I pulled my knees up to my chest, and buried my face in them, hearing Donna's quiet sigh, before the faint sound of her footsteps and the door opening could be heard, then heard her quietly whispering to someone, before Daniela's voice quietly said, "Scarlet? Are you okay?" I shook my head, not looking up, and sniffled, feeling even more terrified and scared of being around people than before. I flinched away, as Dani's hand gently touched my arm, and whispered, "Please don't. I'm not safe to be around.." I was happy to be under the covers, my scarred and broken body hidden, and my hair hid my bad eye pretty well.

I heard a groan of frustration, then Dani muttered, "I know that you're.. Sensitive.. And traumatized, but pushing people who care about you away is never good. Mother learned that the hard way, when she almost lost us. I know what happened was terrifying, and I'm so sorry that you had to see me hurt that way, but- But what you did.. It was to protect my family, and we all owe you for that. Even Cassandra.. Please don't shut us out. Auntie Donna needs you, and so do I. You are my only friend, and I enjoy spending time with you. Maybe you'll feel better if I read to you." Before I could protest, she scooted against me on the bed, and I couldn't help the low growl that suddenly came out of me, my hand covering my mouth. What the fuck was that?? If she heard it, Dani ignored it, quietly starting to read a book she'd apparently brought with her, and eventually, I calmed down a little bit.

That didn't last long, though, as the door slammed open, nearly giving me a heart attack, and caused me to jump off the bed, taking the covers with me, and curled up in a corner of the room on the floor, shaking as I saw my mother, her face a cold mask of fury, her icy eyes colder than the snow outside. "Out, child! I must speak with my daughter alone." Daniela took off like she was on fire, and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with a woman I barely knew, who seemed so caring when I got hurt, but now had a terrifying look on her face. "You have the same expression her always had on his stupid face.." My body went a bit limp, and I looked down at the floor. "Whatever the fuck you're gonna do to me, do it already. I can take any pain you want to give me.. I've felt more shit than you can imagine, so what's a little more?" Without saying a word, Miranda jammed a needle into my arm, causing me to shriek a bit, and her expression turned to an amused one.

I watched my blood fill up some kind of container, and she sighed. "I thought you said you were capable of enduring whatever pain I wanted to put you through, and yet, a simple needle caused you anguish. Ironic, wouldn't you say?" She slid the vial into some secret place inside her robe, and I watched her cautiously, as she sat down on the bed, her expression softening. "There is no need to fear me, darling.. I am well aware of how my presence seems to many, but you- I do not want you to see me that way. You are my child. I would never harm you, though I am upset with you. Why in the world would you sacrifice yourself to protect me? You could have been lost.. As it is, you were badly injured." I shrugged, looking away, and replied, "I've never had a mother before, or siblings, or.. Anything I could call my own. Now that I have these things, and I'm learning what they mean, I want to keep them safe. Is that a bad thing? Lord Heisenberg used to tell me that feeling things like that was bullshit.. Monsters don't deserve them. Maybe he was right about that; Right about me."

I felt her metal claws dig into my skin roughly, but not enough to cut me, and her voice was shaking, as she asked, "Is that how you truly see yourself? Has that fool broken you entirely?" I didn't know how to answer that, though I did see myself as a monster, and as nothing important, and I froze, my hand snapping up to grab hers, as her fingers brushed against the hair covering my bad eye. "Don't!" She froze, and my body started shaking. "Only Donna and Angie have seen it.. And they haven't even seen everything." She gently pulled her hand away, and whispered, "I promise not to be frightened, or to tell anyone what I have seen. Please, allow me to see what he has done.. I was not careful enough, and he stole you away from me. What has been done to you is my fault, and I wish to bear the full burden of my actions by seeing your pain." I started shaking more, the thought of anyone seeing me entirely nearly causing me to run away, and I swallowed hard.

I took a deep breath, then quietly asked, "Can- Can Donna be here, too? I'll only do it if she's here with me." Miranda didn't say anything, but she quickly left the room, then came back with Donna, who glanced at me in confusion. "What are you doing?" Before I could change my mind, or anyone could say anything, I dropped the covers that were wrapped around me, exposing myself completely, instantly hating it, tears sliding down my face, as I moved my hair away from my eye, and looked at them. I felt my heart ache as I saw Donna turn pale, a horrified expression on her face, and my mother's eyes turned cold, and without a word, she slashed the wall with her metal claws, leaving deep marks. "He will pay! Hell won't even be comparable to what I shall do to that man.." She hurried out of the room, and I looked down, flinching as Donna came closer, my face heating up, as her fingers lightly traced every scar and mark across every inch of my skin.

I couldn't look at her, and I whispered, "I'm sorry. I never wanted you to see me like this.. I'm a monster, and ugly. Every piece of me is fucked up." She whispered, "That isn't true at all, my dear one. You are extraordinary, and the most beautiful work of art I have ever seen. You are truly a masterpiece.. All broken things are most beautiful, because they can be put back together even better than they were before." That did it, and I lost my shit, burying my face in her neck, and cried harder than I'd ever cried before. Even at my ugliest, and with.. Wings.. She thought I was beautiful. That meant more to me than I ever knew it could, and maybe, just maybe, one day I could see myself the way that she saw me, and actually believe in myself, even after all the shit I'd been through..

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