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The next thing I was aware of was the agonizing pain burning through my entire body, and the sound of shouting voices, Donna's familiar voice the loudest. Her sweet, quiet voice was now full of rage, and it sounded like she was actually swearing, too. I opened my eyes, and groaned, finding myself in what I was pretty sure was Alcina's giant ass bed, sweat pouring down my skin, and tried to sit up, instantly regretting it. "Fuck!" I looked down at my stomach, seeing blood soaked bandages wrapped around it, and was more confused, until I remembered the asshole that had stabbed me with a sword from behind. The rest of that battle was blurry for some reason, and I couldn't really remember what happened, but I knew that I had to check on Dani, remembering how cold she was.

I ignored the pain, wrapping one arm around my stomach, and climbed off of the bed, barely catching myself on the wall as I teetered, a wave of dizziness washing over me, the room spinning around me, as I slowly made my way to the door, and out into the hallway. Surprisingly, the castle was perfectly fine, as if the damage inside it had never happened, and I guessed Alcina had probably repaired it as quickly as possible to keep the cold air from getting inside, and she had probably done something with the bodies too. As I got to the stairs, I glanced down at them nervously, not sure I could make it down without falling, but I took a deep breath, and held on tightly to the railing, slowly making my way downstairs, then followed the sound of shouting voices into what I guessed was some sort of sitting room. "What the hell are you guys shouting about? It's kind of annoying.."

I saw all eyes turn to me, and that's when my legs gave out, my face heading for the floor. Soft, familiar arms caught me, holding me against a warm chest, and I realized it was Donna, her familiar scent soaking into my skin, her heartbeat racing against my chest through hers. "You shouldn't be out of bed, love. You are very ill, and wandering around will only make it worse." I felt something warm and wet hit my face, and weakly looked up into her face to see her crying, my heart wrenching at the sadness in her eyes. "Hey- Please don't cry.. I'm okay." I smiled weakly, and gently used one hand to wipe her tears away, my fingers shaking. "You're too pretty to cry, you know." I started having trouble breathing as she held me even closer, and I saw my mother coming closer to us. Angie shrieked, "Donna, you're squashing your girlfriend, you dumbass! You're pissing her off, crazy bird lady!"

Instantly, my mother froze, glancing at Donna, who thankfully loosened her grip on me, and I sucked in mouthfuls of air, as she set me in a chair near a fireplace. "I am sorry. I just don't quite trust Mother Miranda. Not after everything she has done to me and to my siblings.. Not to mention her opinion towards my feelings for you." I glanced at Mother Miranda, frowning, and shrugged, wincing as I did, pain shooting through me. "I don't care what anyone thinks. I love you.. I still don't really understand what that means, but from what I do know, as long as we love each other, what other people say isn't important." I glared at my mother, and muttered, "Though I'd like it if you'd mind your own fucking business about who I like or don't like."

Mother Miranda's face turned a bit cold at that, and then, it was replaced by an ashamed expression. "I apologize. I merely find it a bit.. Perplexing. I myself have never been able to find enough balance in my life for any such relationships or feelings, but I have been quite worried about you, since that fool stole you away from my grasp." Whatever she said next was lost in the sound of ringing in my ears, white hot pain flooding over me, causing me to barely be able to breathe, and I tasted coppery blood on my tongue as I coughed hard, Donna's worried voice faintly echoing through the ringing. I still wasn't healing- What the hell was happening to me? Why did it hurt so much?? I could tell that I was on the floor, as the blurry ceiling came into my view, and I felt tiny wooden hands holding my head up, as I coughed up more blood. I faintly heard Alcina excuse herself, saying something about my blood being too sweet to be near without tasting it, and then, the next thing I heard as my vision began going black from lack of oxygen was Donna telling me to breathe.

Her voice was full of fear and worry, as she told me, "Scarlet, I am begging you! Please.. You must breathe!" I finally managed to suck in some air, and slowly, my vision and hearing cleared up, and I found my head in Donna's lap, Angie sitting on my chest, looking down at me. "YOU ALMOST DIED!" I groaned as Angie literally shrieked in my face, and gently shoved her off. "Shut up.. Your voice hurts." I looked up at Donna, and her hands gently stroked my face, which was hot and covered in sweat, and quietly asked, "What's wrong with me? I don't feel so good. I can't- I'm not healing." She quietly replied, "You were poisoned, love. I have been working on an antidote for you, but it is taking awhile to finish. I was so worried when Alcina called for me, and told me you had been injured. I thought that I had lost you, and after I had only just told you my feelings. I don't know what I would have done if you had-" Her voice trailed off, and she sighed.

I blinked, confused. Poisoned? I sort of knew what that meant, but why would anyone poison me? And why did those assholes attack the castle in the first place? My mother muttered, rage in her voice, "That fool Heisenberg will pay dearly for this. It was he who sent those men to the castle, and he who poisoned my daughter. His factory is well guarded, but make no mistake, I shall drag him out of it, one way or another. Donna, please take care of her. I know we may not be on the best of terms, but we both want Scarlet to be safe. When I return, I shall have speak with her about what happened, but for now, I leave her in your care. You have taken quite good care of her in my stead, after all." With that, I heard the faint sound of wings, and then, Donna cautiously carried me back up to Alcina's room, staying silent the entire time. Surprisingly, she slid under the covers beside me, her body warming mine, which felt nice, since I had started freezing, and her arms wrapped protectively around me, as I laid my head on her chest, closing my eyes.

We stayed like that for awhile, until she quietly said, "Daniela is alright, and her sisters are, as well. I know you must be wondering about them, and Alcina. They are all quite safe, thanks to you. And while I am glad that my sister and her children are unharmed, I must ask you to never, ever frighten me that way again. You mean so much to me.. I couldn't bear losing you, even to protect my family. I love you so very much, and you are the only one who truly understands and accepts me fully, and it may sound selfish, but I need you." I felt my face heat up, even through my feverish state, and sighed. "I promise to be more careful the next time I have to fight someone. Usually, I don't get hurt like this, and even if I do, I heal fast, but I guess that poison shit is stopping me from that. And I need you, too. I missed you so much, and I wasn't even away from you for that long. You make me feel safe, Donna.. You really do. You're the first person I've ever shown my eye to who hasn't run away screaming, and you- You're the only one who doesn't make me want to hide when I'm touched. Dani doesn't scare me either, but she's my friend, so it's kind of different. I'm glad that they're all okay."

I snuggled even closer to her, trying to get warmer, her familiar smell of flowers, tea, and the paint she used on her dolls helping me to ignore the pain in my body, and I started drifting off a bit. Her lips ghosted across my forehead, and then, she whispered, "From now on, I will not leave you alone. I will always be by your side, and I will keep you safe. Rest now, my love, and soon enough, you will be well again. My horrid brother will not harm you while I am with you." With that, she started singing some sort of lullaby in what I guessed must be another language, and I slowly slipped into darkness, feeling like I never wanted to leave her side again.

Dollhouse~Donna Beneviento x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora