Growing Closer/Alcina

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After Donna and I had shown each other our eyes, things were different between us. She didn't seem to feel the need to keep her distance from me anymore, and actually asked me to help her in her workshop a lot. Clearly, I had no idea how to do much of anything, let alone make dolls the way she could, but I did my best. One day, I was having a really hard time with carving a certain part for a doll, and I began tearing up, frustration clawing through me. "I can't fucking do anything right! I don't know how to do even the simplest things.." My rants stopped really fast, as I felt warm hands grab my own, Donna's slender fingers lacing with mine, her chest flat against my back, and she told me, "It's alright if you cannot get it right for a long time. It took me so many years to perfect my skills. My father wasn't very happy with my first few dolls, but it takes time, patience, and quite a bit of frustration. You've done very well for not knowing about certain things. You just need to go about it in a certain way.."

I felt heat creep through my cheeks as her hands gently guided mine, doing my best to pay attention, and wondered why I always felt a weird feeling in my stomach around her, causing me to get all sweaty and nervous. I wanted to ask her about it, but I was scared that it might be something bad, and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin the friendship we just started. I also sometimes wondered if whatever it was I was feeling, if she felt it, too, a blush creeping across her cheeks as she looked at me every once in awhile, something like sadness in her gaze. She rarely wore her veil around me anymore, which made me feel kind of special, and I kept my hair out of my face, wanting to make her feel just as special.

One night, I was confused, as I walked to the workshop, and couldn't find Donna anywhere, but found a note placed carefully on top of the work area. Donna had also been teaching me how to read and write, though I was still struggling a lot, but I managed to read, "Follow the dolls." Even more confused, I walked out of the room, and my eyes widened, as I saw a trail of dolls set up down the hall, and started slowly following them, shuddering a bit as I felt them watching me, and eventually came to a room that was usually locked, finding the door open, and walked inside. I blinked, as I found it dark inside, the room dimly lit by a bunch of candles, and moving pictures playing on what looked like a canvas of some kind.

I nearly leapt out of my skin, instantly terrified as Angie popped out of nowhere and shrieked, "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?! We've been waiting for you for ages!" Donna's voice came from the darkness, and said, "Angie, stop that at once. You're frightening her again. What have I told you about loud noises and such things?" My heart raced inside my chest, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe, then felt myself instantly calm down, as familiar fingers laced with mine, shadows flickering across Donna's beautiful face in a spooky way as the flames from the candles illuminated it. "W-What is all this?"

She lead me by the hand to a pile of blankets and pillows stacked together on the floor, and quietly told me, "Sit down. It's alright.. I promise." I swallowed hard, still confused, but trusted her, and sat down, a bit surprised as she sat down right beside me, used to her being closer than she used to be, but not as close as she was then. "Since you were denied so many things, and have been helping me every day without complaining, I thought it might be nice to show you a movie or two. We don't have any modern films here, only what we receive from the village, but they are quite nice." I blinked, and sighed in relief. "Oh- I thought maybe I fucked something up and you were.. Mad at me." I could see her frown in the dim lighting, somehow able to see perfectly fine, even in the darkness, and she sighed.

Her fingers laced with mine, that nervous feeling flooding my body once again, and she replied, "Of course not. I can understand why you are so frightened that I would be angry with you, after my brother hurt you so badly, but I promise you, I would never ever harm you. If anything, I've grown quite.. Fond of you, Scarlet." It was my turn to have my face heat up, and I was even more surprised when she pulled me into her arms, her hands gently resting on my stomach, not understanding what was happening at all. "Um- I- What are you doing?" Angie muttered in an annoyed tone, "Besides ignoring me, you mean?"

      Donna went quiet for a few minutes, and then, she whispered, "Like I said, I have grown quite fond of you.. More than I have with any other living creature. My dolls have been my only passion for so long, but meeting you- You make me feel beautiful, and see me for who I truly am. You didn't run from me like all the others, and you see beauty in every part of me, even the parts I hate of myself. I love-" Before she could finish, a loud but polite knock sounded on the door, and a silky voice spoke through it. "Dear sister, I would like to have a word with you, if you don't mind." I instantly felt Donna tense up underneath me, and she whispered, "Stay right here with Angie. I will be back shortly." I nodded, then felt my face nearly light on fire as her lips gently ghosted across my forehead, and the lights flickered on, as she quickly exited out of the room.

       What was she about to say before she was interrupted? She loved something? No.. Someone? Wait- Was she going to say she loved me? But what was love? Was that what I was always feeling around her? I had never felt love before, so it was possible. But to have Donna love me, and feel the same weird feeling I did- It was too good to be true. After all, no one could possibly love me. Especially someone as amazing as her.. I was distracted from my thoughts as I heard voices arguing quietly in the hallway. Donna angrily said, "I don't care what Mother Miranda has requested of me, Alcina! I refuse to allow her anywhere near your mansion. She would likely end up as a meal for your daughters, or worse yet, in your vintage wines!" The other woman replied, "I understand your concern, but I will take care of her. She is Mother Miranda's child, after all, is she not? If I were to harm her, it would mean punishment for me and for my daughters. And if I didn't know better, I would say you seem quite attached to her."

       Donna went quiet for a minute, then sighed. "Alright. But if one hair on her head is harmed, Alcina, I will give you and your daughters nightmares that will haunt you for the rest of your days. As for my feelings for her, that is none of your concern." Moments later, the door creaked open, and the very tall woman I had met at the meeting before stopped through the doorway, her golden eyes examining me cautiously. "Come, child. I am to take you to my castle for a few days.. Donna has errands to attend to, and Heisenberg has been sniffing around this house too much for your mother's liking. It is safer with me for the moment." She held out her gloved hand, and offered me a smile that I'm sure was supposed to be comforting, but looked more like a hungry animal than anything else.

     I swallowed hard, and took her hand, allowing myself to be pulled from the room, and cast my eyes at Donna nervously. "I'll see you again, right?" I saw her veil placed back over her face, but her voice quietly replied, "Of course. If something were to happen, I would come for you instantly. I will not let any harm come to you.." Though I couldn't see it, I could swear she was giving Alcina an angry glare, as if threatening her. "I promise that we will see each other again very soon." As Alcina sighed in annoyance, as if she were in a hurry, and tried to drag me away, I quickly launched myself into Donna's arms, hugging her tightly, and felt hot tears sting my eyes. "Don't take too long.. Please. I'll miss you and Angie so much. And-" I whispered in her ear, "-I don't know what love is, but I think I love you, too." She seemed to go dead silent at my words, barely even breathing, and then, before either of us could say another word, I was tugged out of her house, and into a carriage..

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