Guardian/True Power

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The next thing I opened my eyes to was darkness, an icy chill going through what felt like my entire soul, and faint light shone from some sort of hole-like thing in the roof, glowing palely from the full moon above, but I didn't need its help to be able to see. My eyes pierced the shadows easily, my breath misting out in the cold, and I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering. "Dani? Are you here?" I felt my breaths growing quicker, the darkness terrifying me, and whirled around, as I heard a few books fall nearby, a weak cough being heard after it. I followed the sound, ready to fight whoever it was, and felt the color drain out of my face, finding Dani huddled up in a corner, shivering badly, looking like she was turning into stone or something. Fuck- I remembered Alcina saying something about keeping her daughters out of the cold, and not opening any windows, or it could kill them.

That made me wonder who opened whatever the door thing in the ceiling was, and why they'd do that, if it would hurt Dani and her sisters. Maybe Cassandra did it because she was pissed at me? No.. Even if she hated me, she'd probably never hurt her sister. They seemed too close for that. "Hey.. It's going to be okay, Dani." I scooped her up into my arms, surprised at how light she was, and shivered more, as she practically buried herself into my chest, her skin ice cold. "I'll get you out of here, and to your Mom." I started carrying her towards the door to the library, then froze, whirling around so fast that she nearly fell out of my arms, and winced, as something sharp pierced into the back of my shoulder, the arrow meant for her going clean through my skin, embedding itself deep, hot blood already spilling across my clothes, but I ignored the pain, quickly dodging to the side, as I heard another arrow heading for me. "Shit, this isn't good. Hold on tight." Dani stared up at me, a confused look on her face. "But you're bleeding. And I'm not certain how many intruders there are." Fear flashed through her eyes, and then, tears shone in them. "I need to find Mother and my sisters..'

Her grip tightened on me, and I took a deep breath, then raced for the door as fast as I could, hearing arrows flying all around me, at least half of them sinking into my skin, but I ignored the pain, and crashed through the door, splintering the wood and breaking it, but didn't stop as I reached the other side, hearing an enraged shriek, knowing it had to be Alcina. I raced towards the sound, worried that if I didn't get her to the tall woman in time, Dani might die or something. I stopped, as I found Alcina standing near the front doors, her hair all messy, her dress torn in several spots, razor sharp claws coming from her fingertips, blood dripping from them, and that's when I noticed the bodies on the floor, torn apart and bloody, the scent of blood heavy in the air. It took me a minute to get any words out, but I finally managed, "Dani's hurt or something. I hurried as fast as I could.. She's so cold." Instantly, Daniela was pulled from my arms, held tightly against her mother's chest, tears sliding down the woman's face, and since the first time I saw her, the tough act she always put on was gone, replaced by worry and fear as she held her daughter.

Her eyes then widened, as they turned to me. "You seem to be full of arrows.. How you managed to bring her to me, I'm not certain of, but perhaps you and my daughters should stay in my room while I dispose of our unwelcome visitors." I shrugged a bit, and flinched slightly, as I began tugging arrows from my skin, blood spraying from the wounds, then stopping as they healed fast. "Lord Heisenberg found out pretty quick that I heal fast. I'll be fine. Just take care of your family, and I'll take care of the intruders for you. That's one thing I am good at. And they hurt Dani- I like her. She was nice to me." She looked unconvinced, worry clear in her golden eyes. "I cannot just leave you to be injured, rapid healing or not. I made a promise to my sister, and I am a woman of my word." I frowned, and sighed, before replying, "Go. I'll be fine, I swear. Just protect your daughters." She finally hurried off, and I grabbed one of the dead men's swords, the steel glimmering in the candlelight around me, a smile spreading across my face. "I don't like killing nice or good people, but I think these people are bad, so it should be fine."

I slowly started walking around the castle, looking for any of the men, then looked in a dark corner, hearing their labored breathing. "There you are. Time to die, like the bugs you are." They ran at me, and I dodged most of their blows, slicing one clean in half, blood spraying all over me, staining my skin crimson, then cut another's head off, watching it roll across the floor, red spreading across the once clean surface. "I might not understand what a mother is exactly, but I know that it isn't nice to hurt their sons or daughters." I continued slicing them to pieces, the gashes they left across my skin healing within minutes, the last one standing shaking in his shoes, and I could smell the sharp stench of urine, telling me just how scared he really was. I headed towards him, and raised my bloody sword, but before I could swing, I tasted blood, feeling it gush from my mouth, and looked down to see another sword piercing me from back to front, something shining on its surface besides my blood. I was confused, as agony began burning through my blood, and I had been burned alive before, but that hurt much worse than any fire.

My vision began going blurry, and it got harder to breathe, and I fell to my knees as the sword was ripped out of me, my whole body shaking. One of them had to be hiding somewhere nearby, and waiting for the perfect moment to hit me, but why did it hurt so fucking much? I heard them saying something, but couldn't hear it, my heart pounding loudly in my ears, and was more confused, as I saw how much blood I was losing. I should've been healing, but I was.. Bleeding out. I managed to feel a gust of icy air against my back through the pain, and then, I could faintly hear screams of agony, and the sound of what I thought were wings, like a giant bird or something, and then, a familiar face came into my field of vision, tears shining in the beautiful woman's eyes. I saw her lips moving, but couldn't hear a word, wondering dimly where her mask had gone, and why there was blood staining her pale skin.

I tried to move my mouth to warn her, as I saw the same man that must have stabbed me about to cut her head off, and then, I saw more men coming up behind him, weapons pointed at both the woman and me, and it occurred to me that my mother was about to die. She was distracted because of worrying about me, which, from what I could tell, was weird for her to do, and as that thought sank in, it was like something inside of me snapped, a hunger I'd never felt before flooding through me, and before I could understand it, my body moved on its own, faster than even the Lycans could move, body parts and blood turning my vision red, and I faintly felt my teeth sink into soft flesh over and over, drinking down the coppery tasting blood of the intruders. At least five of them sent flying by an unknown force that I somehow knew came from me, and I smashed one of their heads against the stone wall, squashing it flat, blood and brain matter spewing across the stones, and I could feel an inhuman howl rip from deep within my chest.

It was as if I kept passing out, as I only caught glimpses of the things I was doing, horrified and disgusted. Eventually, I couldn't stand anymore, my body going numb, and I fell to the floor, only noticing at that point that I was flying somehow, a dull ache in my back above where the sword had impaled me, and then, I fell into Mother Miranda's arms, my eyes closing on their own. I managed to finally hear something she was saying, as she whispered, "Stay with me, my darling. I cannot lose you again. Alcina and her children are safe- You have protected both them, and me. You truly are special, my child." That was the last thing I heard, before I fell into an icy black nothingness, the burning pain consuming everything inside of me..

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