The Statehouse(s)

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The Florida Statehouse

- This was the first Statehouse, aka the only statehouse we actually saw.

- It was much smaller because it was in Florida lmao. But really it was smaller because the government had not put as much funding into this first house.

- I like the headcanon that the Statehouse is just an excuse to observe the states. If the states (+Gov) had a single braincell to rub between them they would realize that a reality TV show about the top secret states would not make a whole lotta sense. The camera crew actually comes in for interviews very rarely. But there are always security cams watching.

- Chaos, but not so much in the good way. Between Florida's list and how small it was and the lack of space to run around they all felt pretty cramped. Plus they were in Florida, it kinda sucks there.

- I don't have as many headcanons about this one, because I imagine it hard to live in and I don't like talking about that as much. I prefer to place the states in the new Statehouse.

The California Statehouse

- The new one. Whilst it was under construction California was living at home to oversee the construction and Florida decided to live with him because *chaos.* This is how you get "A Florida Man in SoCal"

- The office in charge of the personifications actually got sufficient funding for this one, so not only is it large enough for everyone, but it also has large land for the states to play around in. And, it is in a secluded area so the states don't have to be as secretive.

- They have a large gardening and farm area for enrichment, and what they sell gets put into their statehouse bank account.

- No pets allowed. Sorry, I'm not fun.

- This house is more...malleable, then the other. It lends itself more easily to the strange reality warping effects that ooze off of states. Example, Texas has the largest room (other than the garage) despite the fact that all of the bedroom were made at a uniform size. It's bigger on the inside.

- This time Gov made the bedroom chart himself, and tried to keep states rooming next to states they wouldn't kill. They do have to share Jack and Jill Bathrooms.

- The ground floor has a large kitchen, a living room, a half bathroom, a small library, the garage off to the side/The Alaskan Wilderness, Gov's Office, and a master bedroom with it's own bathroom.

- Gov was originally supposed to get the master bedroom, but because once again Hawaii didn't show and Alaska took the garage again which meant there were only 48 bedrooms in use and the master bedroom up for grabs. Currently it has not been used because the infighting was so great that they had to shelve that topic for another. No one knows who is going to get that room and there is a betting pool for it.

- Rhode Island is probably the best bet, although I would not throw out DC District.

- Also because Gov was no longer in the Master Bedroom and DC District snuck in with the other states again everyone got shuffled around.

- The basement has a game room with a bar, another bathroom, a theatre, and a storage room. The storage room has been co-opted into the smoking room for all the stoners.

- There are five bedroom floors with ten rooms on each floors and five bathrooms shared between rooms per floor. Because of the amount four bedrooms and two bathrooms on each side across from each other and two bedrooms with one bathroom on another wall.

Floor 1 (sorted by who shares bathrooms with who. Sort of a semi roomates thing)

- Florida and Gov. Florida was always on the first floor because Gov wanted to keep him close to him with the master bedroom on the first floor so he could watch him, but then everyone got mad Gov had his own bathroom and now they have to share a bathroom. Much to Gov's chagrin.

- Arkansas and Texas. Texas ain't gonna pitch a fit about sharing a bathroom with Arkansas. From the original plan.

- Mississippi and Alabama. they get along alright. From the original plan.

- Tennessee and Kentucky. Tennessee was originally supposed to share with Florida, but then the shuffle happened. Kentucky was supposed to room with Oklahoma, but they forced him off the floor.

- North and South Carolina. From the original plan. Very mad that they could not benefit from the shuffle.

Floor 2

- Virginia and Georgia. Originally Virginia and Kentucky were supposed to share a bathroom, but when Tennessee suddenly had an opening Kentucky leapt for it and Georgia swooped in from the fifth floor to take the spot with Virginia when he was originally supposed to take the bathroom with Maryland. That's how Oklahoma ended up on the fifth floor by the way.

- West Virginia and Ohio. They get on well. From the original plan.

- Wisconsin and Indiana. Wisconsin doesn't even notice Indiana to be honest. From the original plan.

- Kansas and Nebraska. Brought together by corn. From the original plan.

- North and South Dakota. Once again wish they could have benefited from the shuffle. From the original plan.

Floor 3

- Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Putting any of the Northeast around each other is going to be a piece of shit. The Northeast floor was done in a rush when Gov was half asleep cut him some slack. From the original plan.

- New York and Connecticut. Connecticut is in between Massachusetts and New York's rooms, because of course he. New York doesn't pitch a complete fit sharing with Connecticut. From the original plan.

- New Jersey and Rhode Island. You try putting either of these two with someone they won't hate. Just don't put Rhode Island with Connecticut and New Jersey with either New York or Pennsylvania, and put them on the opposite side of the floor. From the original plan.

- New Hampshire and Vermont. Neither of them were happy about it, except secretly they were. From the original plan. 

- Maine and Delaware. Arguably the chillest of the Northeast aside from Vermont. From the original plan. Look, the Northeast would rather be forced to room with the enemy they know rather than the enemy they don't.

Floor 4

- Nevada and Colorado. They get along. From the original plan.

- Washington and Oregon. They also get along well. From the original plan.

- Arizona and New Mexico. United in their love for Pluto. From the original plan.

- Utah and Idaho. The...Chill ones? They don't argue. From the original plan.

- Montana and Wyoming. Always sat together. From the original plan.

Floor 5

- California and Louisiana. No one wanted to share a bathroom with California and Louisiana was going to be as far from Florida as Gov could manage. From the original plan.

- Maryland and DC. Maryland is so mad he has to share with DC District. He was originally supposed to room with Georgia but Georgia bailed on him.

- Oklahoma and Missouri. The two states who straddle the line between the Midwest and the South the most. Originally Oklahoma was going to room with Kentucky, but with Kentucky and Tennessee sharing a room after Gov was forced onto the first floor and then Georgia stealing the bedroom with Virginia he was forced up here. Missouri just wanted to be far away from Kansas.

- Illinois and Michigan. Brought together in their hatred for Wisconsin and Ohio. From the original plan.

- Minnesota and Iowa. Minnesota is nice and won't get openly mad at being on the fifth floor far away from the rest of the Midwest. Iowa was...forgotten until the last minute. From the original plan.

Alaskan Wilderness (Garage)

- Alaska, on his own.

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