Alaska Headcanons

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- Despite enjoying his privacy and not liking the Lower Forty-Eight all that much, he actually does kind of seek validation from them. Hawaii is more than happy not to talk to them, Alaska goes to all the meetings and agrees to live in the statehouses. Even though he likes not being noticed, a part of him does want states to notice he is there and acknowledge him.

- This is brought on most definitely by his origins as US state. Specifically how he was seen as a mistake by congress and called "Seward's Icebox." Despite his confidence in himself as a person, he does feel the need to prove himself worthy as a state. He's not stupid enough to be caught up in something so vain as his size. What he wants to prove himself as is someone worthy of sitting at the table, and that he was not a mistake.

- Of the Lower Forty-Eight he only likes Montana and Maine. He's starting to open up to Wyoming mainly because Montana and Wyoming are very close to each other. He wouldn't call himself friends with Florida, but he is mostly unfazed by his brand of chaos. California is...weird but if Cal is quiet or not talking about politics then he can handle it. He helps him cool down during fire season sometimes.

- In general hotter states flock to him in the summer because even then he's keeping a chill temperature, hanging out in the arctic circle and all. Even Texas will get...sort of close but still be like six feet away. Aw look at him following CDC guidelines so he doesn't look small.

- And obviously he and Hawaii share a very...special relationship. They are the closest thing to canon and I personally think it is adorable.

- Texas avoids standing next to Alaska as Alaska is 6'10'' as opposed to Texas's 6'4''. Alaska likes to pat Texas's head when he gets the chance to emphasize the size difference.

- Of the states he is probably the toughest, although that is mostly on his home territory and similar situations. If you put him in the heat he's gonna have a hard time adapting and be much easier to fight. He's also not a very skilled hand to hand fighter and mostly gets by on sheer strength. Somebody like Florida who is extremely good at street fighting or Massachusetts who is well practiced could possibly bring him down.

- Still speaks Russian extremely well. A lot of the times when using fake human names he'll pick Russian last names or first names.

- Gender is a construct. This man would be perfectly happy in a dress. Also doesn't care about the pronouns used for him, although he does identify as a man.

- Weird headcanon but...his dick is HUGE. The self confidence and need not to compensate, he must have such a big dick. Everyone is jealous. Hawaii is a lucky woman.

- Greatly supports his indigenous communities and will spend time with them. He likes to buy products from them and support their charities. If anyone tries to fuck with them he personally deals with them.

- His relationship with Gov has always been weird and while it is funny to say he just never knew who he was, he did, because during the cold war he was used as both a shield and watchman against Russia and that was shitty.

- Not good with technology but not bad with it either. He's always slow on the uptake, but he eventually gets it. His relationship with Hawaii was a big motivator to get better with tech so he could communicate with her more, and moving into The Statehouse has given him more access and chances to learn about technology. Otherwise, he usually stays ten years in the past, and still has an old fashioned radio in his cabin.

- That radio is usually going in his house while he's there. When he's in the car he has the radio going in it. If he's walking he'll probably have a walkman or he'll just be listening to the ambient noises of the outdoors. He likes ambient noise and hates pure silence. It unnerves him.

- Does in fact that multiple dogs. Balto, Togo, and Fido, yes they are all very stereotypical dog names, especially for an Alaskan. I don't think he really cares. Also YES he can dog sled with his dogs but he doesn't USUALLY do that. The dogs ride with him in the car, that's why he in the How States Drive Pt. 2 video he was calling them to come with him while he gets milk :).

- Loves his dogs dearly. Plays with them and takes them with him when he goes out into the wilderness. Was heartbroken and angry he wasn't allowed to take them with him when he had to move to the statehouse. They are currently staying with a pack of wolves that Alaska also loves and hangs around often.

- Cannot tell what lane he's in without a bear and/or a moose to tell him. to be fair he doesn't have to usually worry about other people.

- Really good at wood carving and also sewing. He's very self-sufficient and well learned in practical skills. It's an attractive trait.

- Probably the only thing he can't do is clean his house, which he can do he just doesn't.

- In the past has had issues with anxiety and psychosis. There are reports of Inuit and other Arctic tribes dealing with issues like these brought on by the cold, isolation, and colonization, and while I don't think one name fits perfectly I think he would have dealt with these issues especially in the 19th and early 20th century. After World War 2 and going into his admission as a state I think he would have gotten a handle on his sanity and be much better at dealing with the isolation and actively enjoying it now.

- Very tight lipped about his issues with everyone except Hawaii. Even his few friends don't know a thing about the problems he has dealt with in the past.

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