States and Space

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Headcanons about different states and their thoughts on space!

- Texas loves space, he can spit out space facts at a speed many wish they could achieve. He also LOVES stargazing. His ranch back at his place is in the middle of nowhere so there are more stars to be seen, he loves seeing the constellations

- Florida and Texas both enjoy talking about space. Or well, Florida likes listening to Texas talk about space while he listens intently. He likes the fact that stars are burning balls of gas.

- Arizona and New Mexico are in agreement that Pluto is still a planet and will fight anyone who says otherwise, even if that person (*ahem* Gov and Texas) has no control over if Pluto is viewed as a planet or not.

- Florida also thinks Pluto is a planet, but only because he wants the chaos of including all the other Pluto-like satellites in the solar system meaning that all the children learning about space from then on would have to learn those. Maybe he'll get a Yakko's Planets out of it.

- Montana is the Big Sky Country, and he loves looking up at the night sky. He doesn't know the technicals of planets and stars and asteroids and the like, but he does know that it's pretty, and he feels most at piece when the moon is high in the sky and the stars are stretched as far as the eye can see.

- Nevada is also another state that loves star gazing. He and Montana sometimes get together to just look up at the sky.

- Alaska, Montana, Texas, and probably some others, are really good at tracking where and when they are based on the positions of the stars.

- God I just thought of something so stupid and sorta sad, Texas is the Lone Star State but he's never felt alone under a sky full of stars.

- California and New York thanks to light pollution don't get to see as many stars as other states. Which I think is sad.

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