˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥PDA

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Hey Ik I haven't been posting but I'm trying yall! I have family issues and I'm working a lot. I have a new book btw if y'all could check that out and show me some love that will be amazing!!! Thanks for reading as always!! <3


Izu gets all shy and still blushes when y'all hold hands and kiss. Don't get me wrong, he loves showing you attention and affection when you and him are alone hit it's a totally different story when it comes down when you guys are in public.

Even though he know this isn't he's first rodeo he still gets shy and nervous.

He sometimes sweats a bit when y'all hold hands in public but doesn't mind showing people that he's your taken and so is he

This is what is it'll look like in his head

This is what is it'll look like in his head

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Such a sweet boy :))


Ohhh lord! Now we all know how this game works!

He always has his arm wrapped around your waist and grips on tighter when he sees guys looking at you or is talking to you or kiss you. Hell he'll even make out with you in public but kinda where no one's there but at the same time people can see.

BUT he DOES NOT let y'all hold hands AT ALL! He only doesn't let y'all hold hands cause if his hands meaning it's his quirk. And if y'all know his quirk and a lil sweaty so that's why he's always got his hands in his pockets. When he has his hands in his pockets and he denies that fact if y'all holding hands you just wrap your arm(s) around one of his.

But there is hope when y'all hold


Shoto doesn't really care much for it. As long as it's not overbearing or anything. But mostly he doesn't have an opinion on it.

If you like it then he does too and doesn't mind.

Although he's doesn't mind y'all holding hands in public but kissing might be a little different. The most Shoto will do is a peck on the lips or anywhere else.

🪨Kirishima 🪨

Kirishima LOVES PDA because he's showing you off. Normally he doesn't like to be show off but when it comes down you and and you ONLY?! HELL YEAHHH HE LOVES IT

He's not afraid to hold you hands and even kiss you. I'm fact y'all hold hands all the time when y'all go out with each other even kissing when y'all have a chance.


Denki is just like his buddy Kiri. He absolutely loves it.

He wants everyone to be jealous that he's dating someone like you. He smacks your ass, hugs, kisses and even once tried to give you a hickey in the mall.

And y'all quickly had to take it somewhere else or it will turn into something that wasn't really made for public things.

Yup sooo he's all about it. Maybe even a little too much to the point where y'all need to cut the day short and go home to "take care" of somethings....


Honestly I feel like it would all depend on his mood and what he feels like doing.

Sometimes he'll be in the snappy lovey way and sometimes he'll show a bit of affection but not too much.

Sero isn't much of a PDA type guy but he doesn't mind holding your hand or kissing you occasionally in public. Only if he feels like it's needed.

Sero gives you wayyy more when y'all are in private or in the dorms.

But you still don't mind it either way and you still like them rather y'all are alone or not you don't mind.


Tamaki doesn't really like PDA as he feels that affection should be left to be done in private.

Of course we all know he's shy about this kind of stuff but he doesn't like to show it in public and neither does he even like the public.

He gives you all the hugs and kisses you could ask for when you guys are alone.

The most PDA he'll show is y'all clinging onto each other's pinkies when walking around or anything. Anything else would be a no for him.


Shinso isn't a PDA person. He would rathe to do it all in private. He doesn't really mind it but when y'all are at the mall or something he'll hold your hand or maybe have y'all's wrapped around the other.

The hugs and kisses are a no for him tho. It rare that he would do it but he will do it sometimes when he feels to.

It's cute when he does it because he's usually not the person to do all of the loving and showing this type of affection.

Of course you always assure him it's ok to do it.

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