˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥prevy mineta

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I'm trying to work my way into getting these requests done and over with so I can make way for new ones so stay with me at least guys!

anways enjoy this long chapter!


"Alright, class today we're going to go into teams and fight other opponents such as your classmates. you will be working with yourselves and 2 other people" Mr. Aizawa explained what the groups were.

Unfortunately, you got stuck Mineta but mom was also with you. everyone got into their hero costumes and walked around the training city.

"Y/n you look so sexy in that costume" you simply ignored him even though you wanted to punch him but you couldn't. What if you needed him for something to beat the other classmates.

Mineta kept making sexual complaints at you and momo while walking around the training city.

"For god sake, Mineta could ya please focus on the task at hand and stop being gross!" you said.

All of a sudden you see ice go right past you almost hitting you. It was Todoroki, Deku, and Tsu ready to fight your team. of course Mineta wasn't worried about the other group oh no no no... he was focused on you and kept flirting with you and touching you.

Once Deku saw what was going on he attacked Mineta. Deku had hit the grape boy so bad he had to see recovery girl. "Oops, I guess I don't know my own strength that well" looking off to the side and both hands behind his back.

The end of the day came and you were so tired off of training and all you wanted to do was sleep. walking back to the dorms you had seen Deku in the common room so you walked up to him.

"Hey Izu I just wanted to say thanks for getting Mineta off of my hands, he was really a pain in my ass today" giving him a token of a hug for appreciation.

"It's no problem I was only trying to help plus he was my target anyways" chuckling at Mineta getting knocked out.

"Kay I'm going to sleep I'm so beat" earning a yawn and stretching. you gave Deku a kiss on the cheek waving goodnight.


Your pov

Ahh yes, lunch time. I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse...though that'll be scary, not only for me but everyone else.

"Hey, blasty boy!" I said. With that my hot-headed boyfriend turned his head behind him seeing it was me. "tsk what the hell do you want lava girl" he says.

"Cool your tits Bakubitch I was just trying to walk with you to lunch" I said linking my arm with his since he had his hands in his pockets like usual.

No one's POV

Just when you and Bakugo we're having fun and laughing with each other Mineta walks up to you.

"Hey, beautiful" you and Bakugo ignore him until Mineta starts to get more flirty with you. You started to get way more uncomfortable when he touches your leg.

You flinch back a little bit. Before you could even react to get mad Bakugo had already beaten you to it exploding Mineta. Manz was blown back a whole 10 feet!

"Holy shit Katsu you blew him back I don't know like 10 feet!" Looking at the burnt Mineta on the floor. "Tsk of course I did, that fucker was touching what's mine" you thanked him and he responded with a "whatever" and continued to walk to lunch.


Your POV

I entered the changing room with Tsu and Jiro since the 3 of us finished our task first that Mr. Aizawa gave us. I took my uniform from my locker and tried to change into my costume.

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