Chapter 26

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I set the final box of decorations on the front table of the reception hall at the winery and wiped the sweat off my brow. August was probably my least favorite month. Not only were we getting a last-minute heat wave before Fall officially began, but the humidity was so horrible that it took just moments of being outside before you were drenched in sweat. The air conditioning in the hall was up and running, but the humidity still made everything feel sticky.

Angela’s bridal shower was later this afternoon, so I needed to pick up the pace when it came to decorating the site. Emory had been my accomplice in securing the location for the bridal shower after a last-minute cancellation, but we weren’t going to have access to their staff for set-up. Angela’s mom, Beth, was going to be here soon and Emory said she would stop by after she finished up her morning tour. I wasn’t expecting anybody else here for another hour.

“Blair?” I jumped slightly when I heard my name, I was not paying attention enough to hear the door open. I turned and saw Diana Bishop. Cody’s mom, my ex-mother-in-law standing in the doorway. “Sorry, Dear. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“I was living in my own little world, I guess. The to-do list in my head is a mile long. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing good. It is nice to see you. It has been too long, you know.”

Diana and I had a decent relationship. Cody and I grew up with very supportive parents and all four stood by us even when we ended up in high school and pregnant. Neither set was happy about the situation, but they offered to help us in the ways they could, even once we moved away for college and Cody’s baseball career. When I made my way back to Strawberry, Diana was always offering to watch Hayes and I spent plenty of holidays or family dinners with the Bishop family, even if Cody was off somewhere doing his thing.

When I decided to file for divorce, I was worried that it would end my relationship with Diana and Will. I won’t say that the relationship stayed exactly the same, but they were still right there to lend a helping hand when I needed it. Hayes always felt loved by both sets of grandparents. We didn’t see them as much on holidays or random Sunday nights, but they were there for every school program and birthday party. It didn’t matter if Cody was there or not, they would always come.

Since Hayes has gotten older, he chooses to spend time with his grandparents without me, therefore I haven’t seen Diana since his graduation party. I’m not sure how much she knows about Cody and me. He said that he told his parents about us, but would that mean they’d be supportive? I didn’t know, but I guess I was about to find out.

“A couple of months, huh? Thank you for allowing us to have Angela’s bridal shower here.”

“Of course, when Emory told me you were looking for a place it was a no-brainer. We’ve been very pleased with our partnership with the inn. Can you believe how well it has done?”

“Angela sure saw a diamond in the rough.”

The conversation was safe, but for some reason, it felt so awkward. Diana must have felt the same way because she eventually ripped off the bandage and got right down to it. “Maybe we should just address the elephant in the room, Blair. Cody told us that the two of you are dating again.”

“We are. After all these years we decided to give it another shot.”

“Will and I were pleasantly surprised to hear it. Does that mean we can expect you around a bit more? Cody’s been avoiding dinner time around here, but I have a feeling that has to do a lot with you.”

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