Chapter 20

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My alarm was set for every two hours to wake up and check on Hayes, but I didn’t need it because I hardly slept. Not that I didn’t want to, but because I was on an adrenaline high. Everything about being with Cody just felt so right. He made me feel better than any man had before. I knew once we crossed that line there was no going back, but I didn’t want to go back. I was taking a huge risk by giving my heart to Cody once again. I just had to have faith that this time would be different.

The alarm on my phone chirped again and I started to stand up from the couch. I needed to be near him last night. If Hayes wasn’t sleeping in the room next to mine, I would have invited him up there. We were going to have to tell Hayes sooner or later, but last night was not the night. Cody and I needed to figure out a lot more before we went public. 

As I moved from the couch, Cody’s hand wrapped around my wrist, “I’ll check on him, Bear.” Cody had a groggy morning voice that was so damn sexy.

“I can do it,” I replied, “I’m already up and everything.”

“I’m up too. I can help him downstairs better than you can.”

I placed my hands on my waist and cocked my hip out to the side, “Are you calling me weak, Cody Bishop?”

He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a quick kiss, “Not at all, Blair Bishop. You’re strong as fuck, but Hayes is like twice your size and I’m here to help.”

“You know we’re going to have to talk about what this means eventually right?”

Cody shrugs, “I like you, you like me. What is there to talk about?”

Leave it up to Cody to think this was no big deal. Men just really don’t see the full picture, do they? “We’re divorced, Cody.”

“This is true, but now I’ve realized that I was a complete fucking mess and ruined this and now I’m going to show you that I’ve changed.”

“So just like that, we’re dating again? What are you planning on telling Hayes? You know our almost adult son who also had to go through our divorce a decade ago?”

“Well, I don’t know,” he runs his hand through his hair, “I figured that we’d just tell him that we decided to give this another shot.”

I laughed. It was inappropriate to the conversation, but he just couldn’t see how his lack of worry or care about us wasn’t going to cut it. Hayes was going to have questions. He had also become fiercely protective of me over the years. There was no doubt that he’d worry that this wouldn’t end well the second time around either. As much as I wish I could just be carefree, I knew it wasn’t going to be like that.

“Cody, I think you’re underestimating how Hayes might react to us being together. Maybe we could just keep it between the two of us for now.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Not forever, but for a bit. I know you think this is no big deal but to me it kind of is.”

Cody looked at me, studying my face, and then he finally kissed me again, “I’ll follow your lead here, Bear. I don’t want to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Will you at least let me take you out? I want to spend some time alone with you, not when we’re checking on Hayes every two hours, just the two of us together for one night.”

“I’d really like that.”

“Good.” His hands moved to my hip and spun me around to face the kitchen, “I’m going to go wake up Hayes and help him get ready and you’re going to put together something for breakfast, okay?”

“You’re awfully bossy, you know?” I teased him.

“I could show you bossy, Blair,” he whispered into my ear before nipping at the bottom lobe. “I’m pretty damn sure you’d like it too.”

The heat of his body left, but I was stuck in that spot feeling the heat between my legs. Cody, the man, was so different from the Cody I knew growing up. I wasn’t complaining one bit because I knew this Cody could make me feel good in all the best ways.


“Blair!” Angela called for me across the courtyard of the inn. I was working on my daily walk through and she must have finished the meetings she was in all morning. We met in front of the entrance to the pool and she pulled me in for a hug. “I am so sorry that I haven’t checked in. Harrison and I want to come to see Hayes, but we’re both swamped.”

“It’s okay, Ang. You’re doing extra around here so I can be with Hayes.”

“Harrison is off tomorrow, we’ll make sure we stop by then.”

“Hayes would like that,” I replied with a soft smile.

“Hey,” she placed her hand on my shoulder, “Hayes is doing okay, right?”

“What? Yeah, yeah Hayes is fine. The doctor said he just needs to rest. Although that is easier said than done. He wants to get into physical therapy as soon as he can.”

“Okay…” she drags out, “then why do you look like something is holding your puppy hostage?”

“That’s…um…an interesting way to put it.”

“Talk to me, Blair. Right now you’re freaking me out.”

I take a deep breath to center myself, “I don’t mean to freak you out. There is just a lot going on. I’ve been struggling lately with my feelings for Cody and since Hayes’s accident things have changed between us.”

“Changed? If he’s being a fucking asshole to you just let me know and I’ll stab him in the nuts with my stiletto.”

“Angela!” I laugh, playfully hitting her with the back of my hand. “You are nuts, woman. As much as I appreciate you going best friend crazy, you don’t need to. Things have actually changed for the better. Cody and I are…well…we’re thinking about giving it another shot.”

“Wow,” she seemed almost stunned speechless, almost. “That is probably the last thing I thought you were going to say, but it does make sense. He is clearly trying to right some wrongs and I could tell that you were starting to get feelings for him again.”

“I know we’ve been through a lot this week, but it just reminded me of the reasons I fell in love with him, to begin with. I’m worried about how other people might react though. Mainly Hayes.”

Angela nods her head, “I can understand that. He may not be a child anymore, but he is still your kid. It might be confusing for him to see the two of you together again.”

“At least you understand, Cody seems completely oblivious to that.”

“Of course he does,” she laughs, “he’s a guy, they don’t think about things the same way that we do.”

“I did convince him to keep this between the two of us for a bit longer. I want to feel out what is going on before we tell the world and especially Hayes.”

She pretends to lock her lips and toss away the key, “You got it, Blair. I won’t tell a soul, even Harrison.”

“You’re full of shit. The second you get the chance you’re going to tell Harrison.”

Her smirk said it all, “You’re right, but after that, I swear…nobody.”

“Be honest with me, Angela, do you think I’m making a huge mistake?”

“You have every right to be worried, Blair, I think that is why taking this slow is a good idea. I didn’t know Cody before, but from what I’ve seen of him he is dedicated to being here for you and Hayes. I also see the way he looks at you and how he just wants to take care of you. I can’t tell you that it won’t end in heartache, but I also won’t tell you that this is a mistake.”

“I don’t think I ever stopped loving him,” I whisper my confession to her.

My best friend pulled me in for another hug and whispered back, “I don’t think he did either.”

Strawberry Wine (Strawberry Inn Book #2) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora