Chapter 21

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Dating Blair again was a bit unusual, but I was enjoying myself. It took a bit of sneaking around and date nights out of the Strawberry area, but we were making it work. The only thing we disagreed on was when to tell people we were dating. I was ready to do it the morning that we decided to give it a go, but she wanted to wait. It had been two weeks and I was itching to share the good news with anybody who would listen. We both agree that Hayes needed to know first and I was planning on bringing it up to her on our date tonight, but work had other plans.

While packing a bag I held my phone between my cheek and shoulder, waiting for Blair to answer. After four rings, her sweet voice came on the line. “Hey you, wasn’t expecting to hear from you until later.”

“I know you’re working, Bear, but I needed to give you some bad news.”

“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good.” I could tell she was trying to play it off, but there was definite disappointment in her voice.

“Fuck, this sucks, but my boss just called and said I needed to get my ass back to Houston so I could meet a new client and be there to sign some paperwork.”

“Oh,” I could hear her shuffling in the background, and then she came back onto the phone, “And this paperwork can’t be scanned or e-signed?”

“Trust me, that was the first thing I asked. He wants this new client to be mine since he’s from Reno so I need to be there to meet him in person before he’ll sign.” I stopped packing for a moment, taking a seat on the bed instead, “I’m really sorry, Blair. I was looking forward to tonight.”

“I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, Cody. Do you know how long you’re going to be gone?”

“It sounds like he’s only in town until tomorrow morning, so I can’t see why I need to stay any longer.” I pause and expect her to say pretty much anything, but she’s just silent on the line. “I’m coming back, Bear. I fucking promise. This isn’t like any other time. I’m not choosing the job over you, I fucking swear.”

“I believe you, Cody. This just kind of sucks. Did you need a ride to the airport? I’m sure Ang would let me go a bit early.”

“Nah, babe. Emory is going to drink me. I’m almost done packing and then we’re hitting the road. I’ll call you when I’m waiting at the airstrip, okay?”

“I’d like that.”

“I know you’re not happy and I promise I’ll make this up to you.”

“This isn’t your fault. Your job can be unpredictable at times, the important part is that you come home to Hayes and me now.”

“Exactly, babe. I’ll only be gone for as long as I have to be. And for real, the makeup date is going to be out of this world.”

She giggles on the other line and I feel better about how we’re leaving things right now. “I can’t wait, Cody. Fly safe and get back home to me when you can.”

“I promise.”

We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone and finish getting ready. I’m traveling light with just a single garment bag for a suit and a small carry-on bag for my toiletries. I don’t have a return flight time yet because I don’t know exactly how long this trip might take. I have no plans on staying any longer than I need, so I’m only taking a couple of things.

Emory is waiting for me in front of her car when I get outside. I would rather not be the passenger since my sister kind of sucks at driving, but she’s doing me a huge favor, so I suck it up. “Ready to go, bro? Ha! That rhymed.”

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