Chapter 8

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Blair and I had a pretty good talk, all things considered, but she had to get back to work and I didn’t want to impose on her time any more than I already had. She made me promise I would contact Hayes and let him know I was in town, so that was my task for this afternoon once I finished dealing with the primadonnas looking for millions of dollars. I know I’m being hypocritical, as these primadonnas are the reason I’m able to afford the lifestyle that I’ve been accustomed to. Maybe it is because I’m jealous, they all made it in their professional leagues and I washed out and couldn’t succeed. 

Sports management could be stressful, but the money was good. AJ’s contract was going to be the largest deal I ever negotiated and the payout could set me up for life. I was smart with my investments because I know that life is unpredictable and I didn’t want to be in the same situation I was when my baseball career came to an end. I might not be able to always afford my current lifestyle, but I can at least make sure I can live my life comfortably and support Hayes if he needs it.

Even though AJ still had not gotten back to me regarding his current contract negotiations, I decided to let it go until tomorrow or maybe even after the weekend. Part of the reason I left Houston was to try and slow shit down and not get so caught up in work every single hour of the day. I closed my laptop and pulled out my cell phone to text Hayes. 

Me: Hey bud, how is your training going?

My phone dings right away and I’m a bit surprised. In typical teenage form, it usually takes him at least an hour to write me back. Not that I expect him to drop everything when he sees a text from me. This is different though, he must have already been on his phone.

Hayes: Hey Dad! The camp is awesome. We get to start setting fires next week.

Me: I thought you were learning how to put out fires.

Hayes: You have to start them to put them out ;)

Me: Got me there. So hey, I know it is unexpected, but I’m actually in town.

Hayes: You’re in Strawberry? Why?

I chuckle at my phone, yeah, Cody, what the hell are you doing here?

Me: No reason. If you don’t have plans, do you want to get dinner?

Hayes: Are you paying?

I smiled as I typed back.

Me: Of course. 

Hayes: Meet me at Trudy’s? 7?

I look at my watch, that would give me another an hour or so to get ready. I’m meeting my son though, not going on a date or anything. Hayes is probably going to show up in basketball shorts and a t-shirt that has the sleeves shut off.

Me: Trudy’s at 7, see you there.

Trudy’s was a typical Americana restaurant that could be compared to an Applebee’s or a Red Robin. We didn’t have any of those types of chain places here in town. The only chain places were fast food places over on the newer side of town. The heart of Strawberry was all about locals taking care of locals. The parking lot was already crowded, so I didn’t even bother trying to get a spot. I used one of the public parking lots down the way and walked over. 

“Dad!” Hayes spotted me first, he was standing out front of Trudy’s with a group of friends around him. I recognized most of the guys he was hanging out with, many of them I’ve met over the years. I did feel kind of bad that I wasn’t very close with his friends. Usually, when I saw Hayes he was traveling to me, therefore his friends weren’t around.

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