An Unexpected Visitor in Narnia (Male oc) Part 1

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Setting: (The Golden Age. Y/c = your character)

(Y/c) couldn't tell where he was for it was quite dark, but judging by the fact that he was moving he figured he must be in a cart of some sort going over rocky terrain. The air around him was hot and a bit stuffy and smelled like sawdust and crushed nuts. Moving proved rather hard for the bag he was in was kinda tight and two rough, strong cords bound his wrists and ankles. They tore into his skin like thorns and burned like rugs rubbing on your skin.

Two people must be driving the cart, for they spoke in hushed tones and in a language he didn't understand. Eventually, the cart stopped and one of them got out and started moving the luggage around. (Y/c) guessed that he must be in a trading caravan. The bag he was in was moved slightly but it was like he was getting juggled like dice in a cup, he even got his head knocked a couple times. Then his bag was picked up and then plopped onto the hard ground. (Y/c) had to bite his tongue to keep himself from grunting.

"Your package sir," the man said in distinguishable words.

Another man took it after handing over some coins of some sort. Judging by the tone the man spoke in, (Y/c) guess that he didn't know what was inside it.

"Take care on the journey sir, I'll take these to their highnesses."

The nosies were loud and horses neighed in the streets. (Y/c) knew that he must be in a city that the caravan had stopped in.

The bag was hoisted up onto a wagon with two others and carted up an incline and into a building for the noises got quiet instantly. Several pairs of feet were shuffling around and only a few people spoke at a time. Two large squeaking doors were opened and the wagon came to a stop. His bag was lifted and then carried a ways before being dropped on the ground. However, this ground was smooth and warm unlike the hard, rough and hot earth earlier. He must've been brought inside then.

Three pairs of footsteps came and stopped right next to (Y/c) that he could've reached out and grabbed them if his hands weren't tied.

"Ooh, the luggages are here!" A young youthful, feminine voice spoke gleefully. "Can't wait to see what was delivered!"

"Oh, calm down Lu," a second female voice spoke with a laugh. It sounded older and more mature than the first. "Ed, will you help me see to the other bags? I wanna see if it's all here."

"Of course, sister," a youthful male voice responded.

The bags were moved around a bit including (Y/c)'s. Someone nudge him and (Y/c) couldn't stop himself from grunting.

"Ow! Urgh...." (Y/c) tried to move his limbs but the rope cut further into his skin making him cry out again in agony.

The first girl screamed catching the attention of her other siblings who came running to her side.

"What is it Lu?" The boy asked.

"It moved!" She exclaimed. "And talked!"


The older girl gasped, "So it did! But I don't understand how Andvard would send over a creature in a bag. Isn't that against their rules?"

The bag was nudged again and (Y/c) tried to move again but the space was limited.

"It moved again!" The older girl exclaimed. "Quick Ed, it looks like it's in destress!"

Two strong hands seized the opening the bag and desperately ripped it opened. (Y/c) tumbled out grunting and dripping with sweat. His black hair was tousled and wet, and he blinked in the suddenly bright space.

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