Edmund one-shot.

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(Setting: The Dawn Treader. Dual scene. Edmund vs (c/n) 😉)

It was mid-noon and sounds of swords clashing met everyone's ears. (C/n) had just challenged Edmund to a dual.

Surprisingly, (c/n) matched Edmund strike for strike. Each equally skilled in combat. (C/n) as agile as she was beautiful. She took a swings before backing up and sizing him up.

"So, what do you think?" (C/n) blocked another one of his blows.

"You're not half bad, I'd say." Edmund ducked under her swing.

(c/n)'s sword blade twinkled in the sunlight as she backed him up against some storage barrels but Edmund dodge her move and slipped around her.

"You're not bad either, mate. Maybe you can call me up sometime." (C/n) winked making Edmund hesitate for a moment. She took this opportunity to smack his behind with the flat of her blade.

Edmund jumped, "(C/n)!" He exclaimed.

"Surprised, you're highness?" She grinned, coyly. "Shouldn't you be prepared for this?"

Edmund just cocked his head at her.

"Quit flirting you two!" Lucy yelled from the sidelines making Caspian snort.

The dual went on a little longer before it came to a halt in a draw. (C/n) backed up and allowed herself to take a breath.

"Did you have to make a move like that?" Edmund asked, checking his pants.

(C/n) just laughed and sauntered over to a barrel of water nearby and helped herself to cool slap of the refreshing liquid and a little drink. "I'd say your fencing lessons paid off." She turned back to her friends and wiped a the water drips from her chin.

"Hey, you should try archery," Lucy suggested, coming over.

(C/n) snorted, "please Lu, there's no way I could beat you or Susan at it and archery is Susan's thing."

"Well, you almost beat Edmund in swordsmanship." She pointed out.

"That was a draw," (C/n) corrected.

"Still," Lucy replied.


(C/n) sat on the edge of the ship railing near the dragon head and smiling to herself. Today was also a great day for fresh dip in the cool, crystal clear waters of the eastern ocean.

"Hey, you really are good with the sword,"  (c/n) heard Edmund say as he came up to me.

She winked at him, "Of course, your highness."

"You're still on a title name basis (C/n)?" He cocked an eyebrow at her.

She laughed, "what's wrong with a little tease?"

He didn't say anything, so (c/n) stood up and winked at him before jumping overboard. When her head came back to the surface she saw Edmund watching her with a sly smirk.

"What?" (c/n) asked.

"You," he replied, "you and you're spontaneous nature."

She splashed him, "then how about you join me?"

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