Silent Ally

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Setting: the lion the witch and the wardrobe.

(Y/n) walked through the snow covered woods silently as a mouse though she was as quick as a deer. This wasn't her first time in Narnia for she had grown up here and was now accustomed to the landscape. She could pin down any little detain or hide in any nook or cranny. The woods were especially quiet, mostly because the witch often drove her sled through these parts. Everyone these days knew that four people like her would come from another world to bring an end to the eternal winter.

(Y/n) weaved in and out among the trees and soon came upon the rocky entrance into the beavers lodging area. Here, only trees on Aslan's side stood. (Y/n) took in a deep breath. It was very lovely.

"(Y/n)!" Mrs. Beaver clicked merrily. "You've returned. How was your trek here? How's the army going?"

(Y/n) was about to answer when a group of new voices came from outside. Mrs. Beaver left the dam to greet them.

"Beaver, is that you?" Mrs. Beaver asked. "I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I...." she stopped and (Y/n) stepped out to see what was up.

(Y/n) gasped but didn't say anything. There were the four peoplewhk looked like her. Well not exactly like her, but they stood on two legs like her and had limbs that were similar to her own. They also had strange clothes on. (Y/n) smiled shyly, there were two girls and two boy, one didn't look like he wanted to be there.

"Hey, there," one of the girls, and the youngest of the four, extended her hand out to (Y/n) and smiled warmly. "I'm Lucy, it's so nice to meet another girl, what's your name?"

"Ah, yes, this is (Y/n), she's a close friend of ours," Mr. Beaver informed them. "She knows this place, very well."

(Y/n) flushed slightly, then turned into the little den.

"Oh, come inside, all of you, and see if we can get you some food and some civilized company." Mrs. Beaver invited the the kids inside.

"Is there anything we can do for Mr. Tumnus?"

(Y/n) stoked the fire-pit with a poker making it sputter. (Y/n) didn't say anything throughout the whole exchange.

"You think we're the ones?" Peter asked.

"Well you better be!" Mr. Beaver exclaims, "'cause Aslan's already fitted out your army!"

"Our army?!?" Lucy exclaimed surprised.

"Mum, sent us away so we wouldn't be caught up in a war," Susan explains, looking at Peter.

"I think you've made a mistake, we're not heroes," Peter denies and Susan added;

"We're from Finchley!"

(Y/n) finally spoke up, her voice as sure as the wind blowing blowing through the trees tops. "You may not be, but everyone needs a place to start you four are the important ingredients we need for a revolution even if it means starting small."

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