Peter x OC: Just One Kiss

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(Setting: Narnia: Cair Paravel, the Golden Age) (@PeterPevensiesrose " should do more with Peter Pevensie" thanks, ;-) ) c/n = character name

you should do more with Peter Pevensie" thanks, ;-) ) c/n = character name

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It was one of those days that felt particularly stretched out. The soft patter of raindrops on the windows panes matched the silence in the atmosphere as (c/n) followed Lucy down the corridor to the large sitting room. Lucy's small hands gripped her wrist with excitement.

"Come on, (c/n)! You must join us, it's a perfect day for a game!" She squealed.

(C/n) smirked, "I'm getting a feeling that you're trying to set me up for something."

The pair soon entered the sitting room where Susan was reading. She looked up at them and grinned.

"There you two are," she set her book down on a nearby table. "I was wondering if you were going to join us."

(C/n) sat down as the boys came and joined the circle.

"Are we going play that 'educational' game you invented back in England?" (C/n) questioned, nearly cracking up at the thought of Susan with the humongous book.

The boys snorted and Susan just huffed.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Okay, Lucy, what will it be?" (C/n) asked, grinning over at her.

"Me first?" She questioned.

"It was your idea Lu," Susan pointed out.

"Fair enough." She thought about it for a bit, "Truth."

"Ok, what do you really think about the wars we've been in?"

"I still don't really like it. I'll do anything to help the Narnians, but I just wish people could just be more civil." She replied, a little sad.

"Don't worry Lu," Peter spoke up, "war isn't always a bad thing."

"You know, you aren't bad in war and you have the biggest heart I know." (C/n) comforted. "Now moving on. Susan I believe it's your turn."

The game went on a for a few minutes before things got interesting.

"(C/n)?" Susan smiled, innocently, "what do you pick?"

(C/n) didn't know what Susan had in mind. "Truth," she decided.

"Who would you take to the next ball?"

Edmund almost choked on his laugh and Lucy couldn't get her grin off her face.

Darn it, (c/n) thought. She knows I like Peter and wants me tell him.

(C/n) was going to answer but Peter beat her to it. He leaned over to her from his spot next to her and gently kissed her. It was a fluttery happy feeling that made (c/n)'s heart do a summersault. Kind of like when you discover something so exciting and so grand you could hardly keep yourself from jumping out of your skin. The next thing Peter did made her ears tingle.

"Admit it, you know it's me," he whispered softly in her ear. "I do."

(A/N): happy Spring Break, everyone enjoy this one-shot! 🤗

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