Chapter 18: Lifetime

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Adrien's photoshoot seemed to be more boring than usual. Every time he was asked to smile, he felt like it was becoming harder and harder to keep the mask of smiles on. (A/N: 100% felt that, Adrien) Until Adrien's phone went off in the middle of the photoshoot. He recognized the ringtone. A certain song that happened to be the caller's favorite song. The phone call made the photographer angry, but still, he called for a 15-minute break. Adrien breathed a sigh of relief before he ran (and I mean ran) to his duffel bag to fish out his phone.

"A little excited, aren't we lover-boy?" Plagg asked, floating up from Adrien's bag.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Adrien told his kwami.

Adrien quickly found his phone and answered it as fast as he could, "Hi Marinette!"

"H-hi Adrien!" Marinette replied from the other side.

"How's it going? What's up?" he asked, eager to hear her answer.

"It's going good. I heard that you were doing a photo shoot. Do you mind if I come visit?" she asked, "It's totally fine if you don't want me to. I feel like I'd be a distraction anyway. You know what? Nevermind forget I said anything."

"No! No! Please! Come over! It's been boring today. maybe you'll liven up the shoot!" he blurted out.

"O-oh! Okay. I'll be on my way then." she replied, with an obvious smile in her voice.

They ended the call and Adrien ran as fast as he could to the photographer, "Hey, sir? One of my friends is coming to visit. Do you think we could include her in the shoot?"

The photographer took a moment to think about it. "Maybe that could add that little bit of spice that we've been lacking in today's shoot. So sure. Why not?"

The excitement that Adrien felt in that moment was the most excitement he had felt in a while. He couldn't wait to see what poses the photographer might have him and Marinette do. Deep down, he hoped they were the kind of poses that could get him closer to her romantically.

Once Marinette arrived on set, she was swarmed by the makeup crew, the stylists, and the hair dressers. She couldn't help but be confused until she was put together in an outfit that almost directly matched Adrien's. But with a more feminine touch. The photographer directed them to the center of the set and had Marinette put her arms around Adrien's neck, and his hand on her waist. 

"I just came to watch. I didn't expect to become a part of the shoot." Marinette whispered, loud enough for only Adrien to hear.

"According to Jaques, the shoot had been lacking spice." he winked with a smile, "I suggested having you join since you were already on your way." he admitted while changing the pose per Jaques' orders

She giggled, to which Jaques replied, "YES! Yes! You're enjoying yourselves! It's a party! You're having fun! You're eating spaghetti!"

Mair looked at Adrien confused, to which Adrien smiled at her and winked, "Just go with it."

Jaques told them that they just needed 2 or 3 more shots until they could be done for the day. But he couldn't think of anything he wanted them to do.

"I have a few ideas. But Marinette here just needs to go with the flow." he grinned.

"I-I can do that." she smiled widely.

Adrien took this opportunity to take her up in his arms. With his arms under her behind (it was fluffed with lace. so he knew he wouldn't be touching anything embarrassing.), and her hands on his shoulders, Jaques caught the moments leading to their first real kiss, a moment that the two would remember for a lifetime.

word count: 618

A/N: not me having a major surge of inspiration. oof. I'm sorry if it felt rushed. this had to have been my favorite chapter to write. i hope you enjoyed! ILY!

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