Walm Bella

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I don't own twilight or anyone of the charaters. This storys is inspired from Walm Bodies, a zombie film. Plz commment and tell me what you think. 

 My name is Bella Swan.

What was I doing? Where was I going? I looked horrible, well different to all the others, I tried to look as...alive as I could. But that was proving to be a difficulty when your...well dead. Im dead, eveyones dead, that woman in the corners dead, that man standing there is definatly dead. These guys look awful.

I was currently walking towards the exit of the airport. I didn't know why. I had only been here a few hours since the plane crashed in seattle airport. But that had been closed down as soon as us dead started getting up again. Charlie. Well I knew he would have been waiting for me. Reneé. The woman would have melted when she heard. I wanted to get out, tell them I was here. But I found that I could hardly speak, only grunt but I hoped I could get better.

My walking was shuffled, my left leg must have had a injury when it crashed because I walked just as bad as the others, dragging my left leg more, my back hunched forwards slightly as I walked. I passed though the seaurity system, the zombie guard waving a metal dectors that made a loud noice but he didn't stop me. Why should he? He was like all of us.

I stopped where I was standing. Of course, we were the only zombies now. A bullet to the brain would kill us fully. I kinda hoped that would happen, I didn't want to live like this. From what the TVs in the air port suggested that they hardly knew of us. That I was happy about. They didn't need to know our horrors. Looked around, I tried to imagine what this place looked like before but all the people who was like me stayed here. No one dared ventured out. But I hated it here. Was I the only one who though that?

I carried one shuffling, stopping when I reached my zombie friend. E. She like me died in that crash but couldn't remeber her name but she knew it began with and E so we called her E, We got along fine, grunitng at each other was the only way we could comminucate.

"Guh" I grunted to her, as I stopped next to her. E turned to look at me with dead but seeing eyes. But we all had the dead cold skin, shadows on out faces, bits rotting, blue veins on out neck, no heartbeat. Our clothes dirty, some with more injurys, like me who had a large gash across my chest and my arm, the blood staining my clothes, E had one down her face, her carmal brown hair with dried blood from the cut that was on her face. We coudln't heal. We couldn't feel pain. I wanted to.

"Hummm" She replyed. It was on my tip of my dead tongue. Words. I so wanted to say but I couldn't express them.

"Hm" Intresting. She seemed to want to move like me. I focused on the few word i wanted to say and tryed to push them out.

"C..City.....no....." That wasn't it. Home. I wanted home. "for......for..forrkkks" I suddenly felt better (well not physically). Home. Thats where I should have been. E looked like she could have been smiling. 

"Forr....forr..eesssttt" She said, just as  slowly as me, taking as much breath to say this as I did. Gosh how did talking be so difficult.

"uss....go....nooowww" I said, straing this out.

"Hu" She grunted, desiding talking was too difficult. We both started shuffling towards the doors. Passing the Bonies. Lage fleshy skelatons. They didn't bother us. There were hardly around. but they'll eat anything with a heart beat. But from what I had seen, we would all become them someday. I watched as a dead gaunt looking teenager reached up and begain pulling away his right side of his face.

Oh man, thats gross, stop, stop picking at it, your making it worse. Too late. That was what I had to look forwards too, Great. I guess we all give up eventually. I felt E shove me in the arm, making me stumble. We needed to keep walking, but we were slow walking. I haven't tried running. When I was alive I was very clumsy, I was very surpirsed when I didn't trip lately. Well that was a bonus for being dead.

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