Chapter- Thirty Nine

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My greed wasn't doing any justice. My fierce self craved him, telling me he's all mine and I'm all his, but my sane self had something else to say. He's so addictive, like I'll never get rid of this feeling that flutters my stomach everytime I see him, like everytime he touches me, takes me back to that day, that moment when he first planted this touch on me.

"You know you want it, Baby. Just say it once, I'll be all yours... " he breathed, enthralling my sane self under his spell, tangled between the glitter of those shimmering emerald eyes.

God knows how much I want him, how much I want him to make me his. But then, what was that fear holding me back? Why I couldn't I let myself to this man who has brought me out of all my fears? Maybe because I'm afraid of what destiny will bring us when our lips collide, when souls explore each other against this world, against everyone...

"This... This won't change anything. We don't belong together. It'll be better if you underst- "

His face raged with fire that could burn my words to ashes. I gulped, lowering my head, breathing heavily as his hand turned into a fist on my waist, arresting my body in his embrace.

"It won't remain the same if I want you, Blossom. Believe me, I'll go to any limit just to make you mine. It'll be better if you drop this attitude. I'm aware of everything now and there's nothing to hide. "

His warning gave my body a reason to tremble in arousal as I held onto him for support. That was when I knew there's nothing more I can do to keep myself away from.

"But... I'm scared Layla will... "

"Shh- She's out of your way and I promise you'll never have to see her again. "

My eyes widened and number of thoughts raced their way inside my head.

"What did you do with her? " I asked him.

"Forget about her. I'm here for you. "

He changed the topic and I didn't bother but relaxed a bit, letting down the weight crushing me. I knew he would take care of all of this but everything about her threat scared me and still, I don't feel relieved bit alarmed...

"I should have told you... I can never do anything correct for once" I mumbled to myself, letting my mind sink in this momentary peace, at least till I have it.

"It's okay Blossom. You did nothing wrong. Everything can go back where it was. "

He cupped my face, letting me get used to his warmth and fragrance to get drawn to him. His words have the power to calm the storm of emotions in me that wreck my senses. He always brought me hope and serenity when I thought he was the villain of my tale. Who knew it was me who could never see how much love his story had in it to give.

Do I really deserve him? I'm unstable, unruly with thoughts that scatter like dandelion seeds with a feeble blow of wind while he's the wind that leads me to my destination without bounding my freedom from me, letting me free to explore my boundaries yet flow at his command.

"Don't you dare come up with any other excuse. I've had enough yesterday. "

He lifted me up in his arms, pinning me against the wall with a flirty smirk that had stories to tell, playing on his lips.

"Today, I want you all for myself and there'll be no excuses. After all, I need to make up for last night... " be licked his lip with a seductive tease that made me curious.

I really think I did something terrible last night. That's it, I'm never stepping inside a club ever again. I have no idea what I did and now, this man is not going to spare me this easily without teasing me beyond my limits.

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