Chapter- Thirteen

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I couldn't understand the reason behind this man's shocked face. Have we met before? I don't think I have ever seen him. He rubbed his eyes as if trying to believe I'm real and then ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hairs, smiling, with his eyes softening out of his happiness. I kept quiet and tried to remember if I've seen his ever in my life but couldn't remember.

"Author Roslyn" he exclaimed, beaming at me.

Oh! I think he's knows me because of my books. Thank god, I thought I'm starting to forget about stuffs like this. I smiled back and he continued,
"I'm so happy that I finally met you.Uhh...I guess you don't remember me but I sent you a text few days ago about meeting up somewhere. I don't think you remember" he explained and I instantly remembered that message I got on my account from that guy in the nearby town. Was that him?

My face was just blank as I kept staring at him, remembering that text and then I greeted back, smiling,
"Oh! Hey, I do remember your text. I'm so sorry I couldn't manage to reply about that." pure lies. I ignored him.

He softly shook his hand, showing never mind and began chuckling.

"It's really alright, I understand." he affirmed. Looking around he glanced back at me with flick of interest in his eyes.

"What are you doing here by the way?" he asked and I beamed, replying,

"I recently moved here with my brothers. It's been like a week. "

"Me too. This is my mom's place, I came here few days ago to help her in work."

Interesting. I didn't expect to meet him ever. Judging from his way of talking he seems really excited and soft hearted person. He talks lightly, expressing his emotions. He's just smiling, tanding in front of me while I'm looking at him in awkward silence.

"Are you here all alone.. or.. on a date? " he questioned, hesitatingly, while securing few glances of my dress.

"I'm here alone. I thought of exploring this place a little. " I replied and noticed he was slowly getting shy and tried to look away, blushing. Well, that looks cute..

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't take your order yet. So.. Uh.. what can I get you? " he asked, looking at me and then back at his notepad.

"I'll have ice coffee and a chocolate cake"

He noted it all down on the notepad and shook his head, smiling, leaving me there. I really would have never expected to meet him. He was so excited to see me and I felt quite good. I began admiring the view outside once again while thinking how coincidences some times are so smooth like butter.

I was admiring the view when I suddenly saw few familiar faces at some distance. I felt as if I saw Kai near the store on the other side of the road meanwhile Ty along with him! I couldn't see their faces properly as both those guys had their faces covered. I tried to focus but still they were so far from here.

"Here's your order." a voice echoed and my attention broke. I found him placing the cup of coffee in front me with the cake. I smiled at him.

"Thank you so much" I thanked, picking up the spoon, but then I spoke again, "Uh.. I'm sorry, I forgot to ask your name. "

"It's okay! I'm Weston Cooper" he introduced. I nodded in acceptance and he left with a last glance on me. That's when I looked outside once again, looking for those guys who looked like Kai and Ty. But it seems like I was mistaken as theirs no one out there now.

I must stop stressing over small things, why will they follow me here? I began sipping on my coffee and freshened my mood with that delicious cake that glided softly down my tongue. Life feels so blissful right now. I think I will visit this place more often from now on.

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