It Still Rains in Paradise

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Natasha looked at the suitcase before her. The tears welled in her eyes, her vision begun to blur. She took a deep breath and continued packing. She never thought, in the last 3 years, that Steve and her would be separating. "Nat?" He called out to her so gently, sadness in his voice. "Please, let's talk. Stay here, okay please. I can't...I can't not have you beside me. I won't sleep at night and you'll have nightmares. Natasha please." He begged as he hugged her from behind. He felt her melting in his arms. His eyes filled with tears, his heart pounded. "Please sweetheart." He felt her head shake. "No, I can't stay. We have gotten too comfortable. We need a reset Steve. We've said things we both did not mean. But they hurt." She countered before untangling herself from him. She zipped up the suitcase and gave him one last look before walking out the door.


The team's jet landed at the tower. They came from a mission that didn't turn out well. Clint had a huge cut on his leg, Tony had a beaten face, Banner was guilty for turning into the Hulk, Thor was a god so he was okay. Steve and Natasha, who treated the team, were also pretty hurt. She had sprained ankle, bloody nose, a cut on her back and a ripped suit. Steve's suit was pretty ripped in some areas, but he was majorly bruised. If anything he was emotionally beaten up for how their mission turned out.

When they all got off the jet, they were guided to the medical bay. They were treated and were asked to hold off on any missions until fully healed. Fury told then that they had 3 weeks to take some time off, and if they needed more they could take more days off.

For 3 week, Natasha watched as the rest of the team trained, work on their science stuff, and she watched as Steve moped around. When lunch was done, she watched Steve excused himself and left the kitchen. Natasha watched him exit and looked around the table. "You okay guys?" Tony asked, referring to the lack of conversation between Natasha and Steve. It was unlike them to not chat during meals or any other time they were together. "Uh...yeah. I think he's just tired from training. I'll go check on him." She said as she also excused herself from the group.

She knocked on their door, waited for Steve to let her in. Even though it was their room, she wanted to give Steve his privacy. She heard his footsteps and the door opened. "Hey, you could've opened it." He said as he gave her a small smile. "I know but I wasn't sure if you're willing to see people." She shrugged her shoulders and stepped in. "It's your room too Nat." He chuckled. They walked towards their living room. The TV was off, the radio was on low volume, the weather outside was gloomy. "Are you okay?" She asked as she sat on the edge of the couch and Steve stood by the book shelf. He took a deep breath and nodded, then shook his head. "I don't know Nat." He admitted. "We fought really hard that day, and we lost." Natasha stood up and walked towards him. She placed her hand on his face and forced him to look at her. "We win some, we lose some. Then we work hard to win next time." Natasha said softly. He shook his head, "we lost too many people that day Nat. The rest of the team was hurt and you were hurt." He walked out of her grasp and ran his hand through his hair. "You we're hurt. People died. NATASHA! PEOPLE DIED. I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THEY DIED ON MY WATCH!" He yelled out. For the first time Natasha saw Steve break. "Sweetheart." Natasha rushed towards him.

Steve's heart was pounding, his head was spinning. He kept his emotions in for so long and he was just starting to release them. He felt Natasha's hands on his shoulder, he saw a tear drop on the floor, it was his. "We know that we would lose people and we just have to move on Steve." She said as she leaned her head on his shoulder. She ran her hands on his back to calm him down. She felt Steve stiffened under her touch. He turned to look her and she did the same. Instead of Steve having a calmed expression, his eyebrows were furrowed. He was mad, disappointed, upset, she wasn't sure. "Ste-." "Move on?" He said in a low tone. "You want me to move on, after I watched most of our agents get killed. I was responsible for them Romanoff!" He never called her by her last name unless he was angry. "Steve that not what I m-." "I'm not like you!" He yelled. She was surprised by his outburst. "Not like me? What is that suppose to mean?" She asked, she took a couple steps back. She could not believe what she just heard. "I'm not like! You go into missions, you kill and you walk off like it was nothing. You are so use to killing you have no problem walking out of the situation and moving on." He yelled. Natasha couldn't understand what was happening. She couldn't understand how the blame was on her, how he was just throwing her past on her like that. "You know what! F**k you Rogers! I can;t believe you just said that." She walked away from him.

As she walked away from him, everything registered in Steve head. He couldn't believe what he just did, what he just said. "Natasha?" He called out to her. The next thing he heard was their bedroom door slammed, and her screaming. He walked towards their room, "Nat please. I'm sorry. Please." He knocked. Natasha looked at the suitcase before her. The tears welled in her eyes, her vision begun to blur. She took a deep breath and continued packing. She never thought, in the last 3 years, that Steve and her would be separating. "Nat?" He called out to her so gently, sadness in his voice. "Please, let's talk. Stay here, okay please. I can't...I can't not have you beside me. I won't sleep at night and you'll have nightmares. Natasha please." He begged as he hugged her from behind. He felt her melting in his arms. His eyes filled with tears, his heart pounded. "Please sweetheart." He felt her head shake. "No, I can't stay. We have gotten too comfortable. We need a reset Steve. We've said things we both did not mean. But they hurt." She countered before untangling herself from him. She zipped up the suitcase and gave him one last look before walking out the door.


Steve hasn't seen Natasha in a month. He couldn't find her location after she left. She was good at hiding and he was terrible with technology and couldn't find her. He got up from the unmade bed and grabbed his phone. He dialled Clint and he waited for him to pick up. "Hey Cap. For the last time no I don't know where Natasha is. She is definitely not in the farm house." He said. "I know, I just thought maybe she contacted you." Steve said as he ran his hand through his hair. "No she hasn't contacted me. All I know is, she is not at the farm house." Clint responded. "I know she isn't there why do you keep saying that." Steve said, he was frustrated. "Oh jeez Steve. I've been telling you she is not at the farm house for a month now. Just go there she been with Laura and the kids. I though you would get the hint by now." Clint said before he hung up.

Steve stood from his seat and put on his jacket. He did not bother to change his clothes and borrow the key to one of the jets. Tony and Bruce just watched as Steve rushed out the door. The next thing they knew they could hear the jet fly out.

Steve stood in front of the farm house. His heart was pounding and his head was spinning. He doesn't know what would be on the other side of the door. He wasn't sure if Natasha would go home with him. He finally got the courage to knock. "I wanna open it!!!" He could Lila yell out from the inside. "No! Sweetheart it's night time." That was Natasha voice, and her chuckle. The next he saw was the door opened  and the surprised expression on her face. "Uncle Steve!" He peeked behind Natasha and waved, "Hey Kiddo." He smiled. He then looked at Natasha. "Nat."

She welcomed him in and excused herself as she put Lila to bed. Laura made Steve some tea and once Natasha was done with Lila, she excused herself to let themselves have a moment. Natasha sat down beside him and kept her hand on her knees. "Natasha please let's go home. I can't sleep without you, I can't eat, I can't." Steve said as he tried to hold her hand. "Steve." She shook her head, tried to hold her tears. She watched as Steve stood from the couch and kneeled before her. "Natasha I am on my knees, I am begging you. Please come home, I can't do this without you. Please." Natasha stood and tried to walk away from him, but he wrapped his arms around her midsection. "Please Nat. I know I've said things that hurt you. There's no excuse for that. But I promised I'd be better. I'd treat you better." He cried into her shirt. "Steve, you treat so well. I just...I just needed a moment." Natasha said as she got down to his level. "You have been the best person in my life. I just, I needed to think. I needed to find a way to clean my past. I love you so much, I don't want you to be stuck with someone with the darkest past. I was giving you an out Steve." She cried. "I don't want an out, I want you, I want us." He kissed her cheek as the two of them cried in each other's arms.

After that night, they went home. They lived their lives at the tower and with their team. Natasha looked as Steve interacted with the men. "Boys!" She called out. "Dinner! I'm not cooking tomorrow." Natasha added and chuckled. Steve walked towards her and gave her a kiss. "Not in from of the dinner table love birds." Tony commented.

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