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She was gone. He knew she was. However, no matter how many times he told himself she was never coming back, he couldn't seem to believe himself. He still hoped that when he wakes up in the morning she would be a room away, or she would be making breakfast, or when he would roll over she would be beside him.

He sat up and leaned his back on his bed's headboard. He couldn't help the tears that were flowing. "Steve." Wanda peeked her head behind his door. "Can I come in?" She asked. He lightly tapped the spot beside him. She got on his bed and pulled the covers over her body. She snuggled the pillow close to her body, and rolled over to face away from him.  "I miss her." She whispered as she inhaled the scent of hers left on the bed. Steve smiled slightly and lightly played with Wanda's hair. "Me too kid." Steve sighed as he watched Wanda's shook slightly. "I wish I can visit her. I want to tell her everything you've achieved Wanda. She would be so proud to know what you can do with your powers, and how strong you are." This statement made Wanda cry even more. "I know for a fact that she loved you so much, wanted to make sure you were always safe." Steve said as he cried along with the young girl. Wanda rolled towards and look at him, "she loved you so much as well. I know she never said it much, but she did. She hated that I could read her mind but sometimes it was the only way I had to get to her. Whenever she was sad or tired or lost she would think about you. You made her so happy Steve." Wanda sat up and clutched the pillow closer to her. "I know she loved us and that why she sacrificed herself. I will forever be thankful for her and Tony, but I just wished there was another way." Steve put his arm around her and pulled her close. "Me too kid."

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