Sticks and Stone

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They had gone to a mission, one that failed. The six of them sat in the quinjet, not one dared to spoke a word. Natasha sat on the pilot seat along with Clint who was her co-pilot. Normally Tony would say something to lighten the mood m, but with what they had gone through, even he didn't have an ounce of an energy to say anything. Bruce sat on the jet's corner, ashamed after he turned into the Hulk. Thor and Steve was stitching each other's cuts and bruises.

Natasha put the jet on co-pilot and quickly contact the other jet. "Maria...yeah....yeah...we'll meet at the compound then." She said. Natasha turned to Clint and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Take a break, call Laura." She smiled. "Thanks." Clint got off from his seat and gave Natasha a kiss on her temple, he was happy she was safe.

Steve and Tony was discussing the mission and how to could try again. Their subtle discussion started to get heated. It did not go unnoticed to Natasha and instant she was behind Steve. "Guys, lets calm down. Arguing won't help us right now." She said as she placed a gentle hand on Steve's arm. Tony looked at her and agreed. "Easy for you to say." Steve retorted. As soon as it came out, he regretted it. He never meant for it to sound the way it did. Instantly, Natasha took a step back. Tony and Clint was on high alert for Natasha. "What did you just f*ck*ng say?" She asked, hoping he wouldn't repeat it. He wasn't going to, he was going to apologize. However, he never liked it when she swore. Failing the mission, losing some of their agents, being hurt physically and being absolutely exhausted, Steve lost it on her. "I said, thats easy for you to say!" He yelled. Tony and Clint got on their feet and we're instantly behind Natasha, along with Bruce who finally stood from his spot. Thor was not far from Steve, in case he needed to hold him back. He knew he wouldn't hurt Natasha physically but if their words started to get worst he was there.

Natasha felt like crying, Steve had never taken that tone with her. "What us that suppose to mean?" She said, she was angry now. She felt attacked and by him of all people. "It's easy for you to say because you're use to leaving your missions with people dead. Because that's your mission." He bit back, his words were venomous. "You're used to people dying and not caring about it. You're used to leaving your missions with your people dead with even batting an eye." He said through gritted teeth. "Steve watch it." Clint said with a warning. "Why? Huh? Isn't it true. The deadliest assassin America has ever scene." Steve said, his blue eyes looked dark. Tony stood between them, asking Steve to fall back. Natasha didn't expect her past to be thrown at her face. She looked at him, at his eyes, hoping he was joking. Even if he was it was a terrible joke. Her eyes were blurry with tears, she didn't know how to defend herself. She knew he was right, no matter how hard she tried she was still the deadliest assassin they made her to be.

Natasha took her glove off and slipped off the shiny diamond ring off of her left hand. She took a glance at it, and bit her lip, trying her best not to burst into a sob in front of her team mates. She took a couple steps closer to Steve and grabbed his right hand. He watched her movement, regretting what he had done. "Tash-" He tried to stop her, to apologize, to fake his words back. She placed ring on his palm, "this doesn't mean anything anymore. Out of everyone, you are the last person I ever thought who would throw my dark past at me. We're done." She walked past Tony and into one of the isolated rooms in the jet.

She cried with every ounce of energy she had. She felt her left abdomen started to sting. She placed her left hand on it and it was met by her damp suit. When she lifted her hand, it was covered with blood. Her wound had reopened. She took a deep breath and walked to the washroom to restitch her wound. One of their enemy had a sword and Natasha took the hit for one of the other agents. She didn't tell anymore about it, because she managed to fix herself up before everyone else boarded the jet. She was waiting until they got back to the compound for Dr. Cho to patch her up properly. On her way there, her vision got blurry. The room started to spin, she turned to the bathroom mirror and she noticed her lips had lost its colours. She tried to steady herself by holding onto the small sink of the jet. She closed her eyes tightly, hoping that when she opened them she would be more steady. However, when she did she saw the sink was covered with blood from her hands. She couldn't help herself, she dropped to the ground. Before she closed her eyes, she called to the one person she needed, "Steve." She whispered before the darkness took over her.

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