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It was a early in the morning, too early for Natasha's liking on her day off. She rolled over on their bed and felt emptiness beside her. All of a sudden she felt cold, "Steve?" She called out sleepily. She looked on his side, pillow was still indented from his laying down. She noticed a piece of paper on his night stand. She slowly got up and grabbed the note.


I went for a run. You're sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake you. I love you my girl.


The note brought a smile on her face. She tucked a piece of her red lock behind her ear and untangle herself from the sheets. She walked into the kitchen and prepared breakfast. She made chocolate pancakes, Steve's new favourite, and some bacon and eggs.

As she was cleaning up the kitchen, she heard their door unlock. "Tasha?" He called out as the door closed. "Kitchen!" She yelled out. Steve walked to the kitchen and saw Natasha wiping the counter. "Good morning my girl." He smiled. "I made pancakes and bacon." She smiled and gave him a kiss.

They ate their breakfast and Natasha got ready for her day with Wanda. She walked out of the room and saw Steve on the couch watching the news. "Hey, I'm gonna head out to see Wanda. She wants to get coffee and have a girls day." She said. Steve gave her a smile and told her to have a good day. Just before she walked out the door, Steve's phone rang. She turned around and looked at him, he rushed to pick up his phone and walked straight to their room. She didn't think much of it and drove out to pick up Wanda.

Eventually Wanda and Natasha made it to a little coffee shop to start their girls day. Natasha ordered a black coffee and Wanda got a latte. They sat and talked, Natasha enjoyed being with Wanda because she knew the girls looked up to her. "So how are you and Steve?" The younger girl asked, accent strong. Natasha smiled as she took a small sip if her coffee, she put both her hands on the cup and enjoyed the warmth. "We're wonderful. He makes me feel loved Wands." She admitted. "I heard from a little bird, you and Vis are getting close?" She asked. Wanda blushed and avoided Natasha eyes with a smile. "It may be a little crush Nat." Natasha chuckled at Wanda's response. "There's nothing wrong with that, you're old enough to explore being in a relationship." Natasha said. "You're okay with me liking Vis?" Wanda asked with a surprised expression. "Of course, you're old enough and I think you're responsible. Just be careful, and if he hurts you, you know who to call." Natasha advised. Wanda laughed along with her. "Thank you, for everything." Eventually they were done with their coffees and Wanda insisted she needed to stop by the tower to change her clothes. Natasha offered to drive her.

"I'll stay in the car, I'm assuming you won't take long?" Natasha asked as she parked her car. "Yeah just gotta change out of my shirt, I don't want the stain to settle." Wanda said as she got out. As Natasha was waiting for Wanda, she went on her phone to pass the time. Eventually she looked at her surroundings and noticed all of Tony's expensive cars parked together. Suddenly she noticed a blue motorcycle tucked in the corner. She knew it was Steve's but didn't think much of it. Before she got lost in her thoughts, Wanda opened the passenger door. "Ready." The younger woman smiled. Then they drove out.

As Natasha was driving she turned to Wanda and asked, "was Steve in the tower?" Wanda shook her head. "Not that I know off. I didn't see him there." She said.

They eventually made it to the hiking trail. Wanda conversed with Natasha about training and about going to school. Natasha was happy to help her with the topics she needed. When they reached the top of the trail, Wanda got a text. Her jaw immediately dropped. When they went back to the car, the sudden change in Wanda's attitude did not go unnoticed to Natasha. "Hey mladshaya sestra, you okay?" Natasha asked as the buckled up in the car. Wanda's looked was surprised by what Natasha called her. The moment she heard Natasha call her "younger sister", she knew she couldn't lie. "Nat." She started, hand trembling. "Bruce sent me this." She added as she unlocked her phone and handed it to Natasha. "I'm so sorry." Wanda started to cry. Natasha wiped her tears before looking at her phone. When she saw the content of Bruce's message, she was at lost of words. "This has to be a joke right?" Natasha chuckled as the tears started to form in her eyes, and her voice trembled. It was a photograph of Steve and Sharon kissing.

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