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Everyone has some sort of dream or goal in life they want to achieve, no matter how unrealistic is may seem. When I was seven, I wanted to a ballerina but then quickly realized how uncoordinated I am. I took a ballet class for maybe a month then sprained my ankle after the third class. I never went back. At age ten, I wanted to be a chef, so I begged my parents to let me cook with them. It always simple stuff, side dishes. Mashed potatoes from a bag, a can of green beans here and there. That dream lasted a week because I got popped by the grease in the skillet one day. I remember throwing a hissy fit because it hurt so bad which led me to vowing to never cook with grease. Trying to avoid the inevitable. At fifteen I decided I wanted to be a doctor and that stuck for about three years till I learned how much Med School is and all the requirements it takes to be a doctor. Patience is something I lack that's for sure. Having to do a residency, go through school, it would take forever and I'm not willing to go through all that just to say I'm a doctor.

Now at eighteen years old, I don't have any dreams or goals. It's a common thing to be so young and not know what to do with your life. But the second I looked into those deep brown eyes; everything became much more confusing than it had before. 

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