Chapter Fourteen

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You should probably go back soon.. You have been gone for quite some time. - Nikko pointed out quietly, startling me out of my peaceful slumber. I hadn't meant to fall asleep, I must've gotten so drained from crying and.. well finding out I could talk with my wolf, that I fell asleep. 

It was dark out now. 

I got up from the forest floor, dusting myself off quickly before taking my phone out of my pocket and checking the time. 

7am on the dot. 

"When did I fall asleep?" I mutter to myself, ruffling up my hair a bit. I started walking back home, feeling a little bit guilty at the fact that I had been gone for so long. Even though I had a feeling Drystan wouldn't really care. 

He just wanted his maid back. 

Yes I'm salty, I'm allowed to be fucking salty. 

I must've forgotten how short the walk back from Silent Hill was because I was already back. I stood outside of the front door for a second, reconsidering all of my choices but I had to go inside. 

I needed food, I needed my stupidly soft bed, I needed a shower. I was covered in grass, leaves and dirt. Honestly I felt disgusting. 

I opened the door softly, as quietly as possible but considering the fact that Drystan also had superhearing he was bound to hear the front door opening. I looked down at my chest when I felt a stabbing pain and remembered that I wasn't wearing a shirt and that I had somehow gotten a splinter in my chest. 

I ripped it out, frowning in obvious confusing because how the hell did a splinter get stuck in my chest. I watched as blood slowly started running down from the hole, which was... bigger than what I had expected. 

This was not on my to-do list for today. 

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a tissue, pressing it on the small wound that for some god awful reason wouldn't fucking stop bleeding. 

And if I hadn't been panicking before I definitely was now. 

It was a splinter! How was a normal, tiny looking splinter doing this much damage to me?! 

"Okay, Ace, stop fucking panicking, you stupid moron." I snapped at myself quietly, I knew Drystan was awake, he usually woke up at 5 am bc vampires didn't need sleep according to the vampire. 

Apparently this wound didn't want to stop bleeding either, which, heh, why didn't it want to stop bleeding? 

Okay now I was definitely panicking. 

"Drystan?!" I yelled, in full on panic mode. As if he had been waiting for me to ask him for help, he came running to the kitchen as if he was some sort of knight in shining armour. He saw I was panicking and started panicking when he noticed all the blood covered tissues. 

"What the fuc-" 

"Call my dad. Or both of them, hell call my grandpa too. Just call someone and tell them it's fucking urgent!" I snapped, feeling tears starting to well in my eyes because I couldn't fix a problem myself and I had to call my fucking family for it. 

Pathetic, really. 

Drystan nodded, running off to get his phone. I had stuffed paper inside of the hole, or at least tried to. The kitchen was a mess now, the counters covered in tissues that were all bloody. 

The fucking stick must've been cursed or something. 

"They're on their wa-" Drystan was cut off when the front door was slammed open roughly, with Blake flying in, almost stumbling into a vase before he stopped himself. He spotted me with in the kitchen and ran over quickly, taking the tissues from me and started uncovering the wound. 

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