Chapter Eleven

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"So... What's your favorite colour?"

"Hu- Okay so we're starting off with basic 'get to know each other' questions?"

"Well what the hell did you want me to ask! We basically just met and found out we were mates. We gotta get to know each other somehow. Now, your favorite colour?"

"...Periwinkle." He looked at me with a confused frown, tilting his head to the side.

"What the fuck is Periwinkle?"

"It's.. a dark pastel purple. What's your favorite colour?" I asked, making him let out a breathy chuckle. That was way too hot.

We were back at my house both of us sitting on the couch, trying to get to know each other which was harder than both of us had originally planned. We were both stubborn and didn't really want to answer honestly, because the questions were way too domestic.

'What's your favorite food?' 'How many pets would you want if you were human?' 'Do you wanna get married one day?'

Questions like that. I wasn't one to talk about stuff like that to anyone, not even my own parents which was why it was hard for me to answer honestly. Although I did try to answer as good as I could, maybe bending the truth just a little but not lying.

'What's ur favorite food?' 'Noodles.'

It's actually Spaghetti with this amazing sauce that my dad makes, it's all a homemade recipe too and all fresh spices, ingredients.

He learnt it from his dead grandma. He told me he could see her when she was dead or something, and then she just gave the recipe to him. Made him write it up and everything.

I didn't believe him.

It wasn't that it was hard answering the questions, per say, we had just met and I understand that people expect mates to immediately bond and just mate the second their eyes land on each other.

But that's not the way I wanna do it, babes.

I want to take it slow, get to know Drystan slowly, under the span of a few weeks and then mate. I didn't fully trust him, because I didn't trust vampires in general. I didn't want to tell him all of my life stories when I did not know if he could be trusted, mate or not.

Vampires were the tricksters in the supernatural world, while they weren't as bad as Kitsunes they were still tricksters. They were dead, alive but cold and heartless, pun intended.

Because of the fact that a vampires heartbeat was basically nonexistent it was really hard to tell whether they were lying or not. Which made things bad, for me, because I didn't know whether or not Drystan was telling me the entire truth with his answers.

Deep down I knew I had to believe him, but I was still being really careful.

"Do you remember anything about your bio-mom?" He asked which surprised me. I froze, staring at the tv in front of me. I had to think about his question for a minute, for some reason I felt obligated to tell him about her.

I didn't have a problem talking about my mother, it didn't bring up any bad memories or anything. I hadn't talked about her to many people, mostly just my parents and grandpa.

"I do, some things. It's mostly blurry for me but I remember her taking care of me, some sort of a fight and then her putting me inside of some sort of a small hole in a tree and leaving me until Blake found me. I know she hid me to protect me, and I know it was probably for the better since she was a rogue and probably had some sort of a pack after her. She's dead but I don't really remember her so I don't have a problem with her being dead." I answered, shrugging slightly.

Drystan looked sad for me, while I was calm. He looked as if he wanted to tell me something but was holding back. I didn't blame him, I just told him about my dead mother and he probably didn't know whether or not it was the right time to tell me whatever he wanted to say.

"My dad found out about me being gay. So he disowned me on the spot." He mumbled, sounding anxious. I nodded, silently telling him it was okay to tell me.

"It's not normal for vampires to be attracted to the same sex, at least in my dad's eyes. He started preaching about me having to go to church or some shit, and when I refused he disowned me and kicked me out. It was a couple of days ago, I've sorta been running around in the woods. I was like a lost bat before I found you, you really saved me. I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't met you, thank you Ace." He said, his eyes holding nothing but adoration as he looked at me. I found myself almost blushing at his words, I didn't, obviously.

I'm Ace, the son of the strongest alpha in the world, the grandkid of Ares the god of war, I don't blush.

Only softies blush, I'm not a softie.

"You're welcome. I guess." I grumbled, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. He smiled at me before standing up and walking towards the kitchen. I slumped back against the couch, letting out a long and heavy sigh. Now that I was alone, I let myself blush.

I rubbed at my cheeks, wishing for the warm fuzzy feeling inside of me to disappear for a second. Every time I was near Drystan it felt as if I would combust.

"Ace? What do you want to eat?" Drystan yelled from where he stood making me bend my head backwards to look at him.

"Isn't it like 3am? Shouldn't we be going to bed or something?" I asked instead of answering him, watching as he shrugged and disappeared back into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, going to the kitchen.

I leaned against the counter, watching Drystan as he rummaged through the cabinets in search for food and cutlery. He didn't ask for help, just kept looking. In the end he'd found what he had been looking for.  

I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach as I watched him make food, it felt so.. domestic.

Married life shit.

Not 'omg I just met my soulmate' shit

Ace is lowkey a mood.


I started writing this the second I posted the last chapter, and I wrote it in about 2-3 hours.

I'm very proud of myself and I am very proud of you too.

Also next chapter? Is gonna be very.. dramatic. As in one person might over react. 


Vampire's got a heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن