Chapter Twevle

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"We have no food. I want you to make something." Drystan whined angrily from the kitchen and I sighed loudly. It was the second time today that he'd complained about our food, we had enough of it to last for a couple more days. What he meant was that we had no snacks, no snacks meant that he couldn't eat something small when he was craving something.

"Alright, we can go to the store in a bit. The one that's further away because it's bigger." I decided, raking my fingers through my hair. "Go get ready." 

Drystan opened his mouth to say something but I already knew what he was going to say so I stopped him, holding my hand up and giving him a stern look. He walked back to his room, the guest bedroom, to go get ready while I waited for him in the kitchen. 

Usually I would just go to the local store that was nearby whenever I needed to grocery shop but since Drystan lived here now, I didn't know what type of food he liked, which was why I chose the bigger store that was further away because it had more options. 

"I'm ready." Drystan exclaimed excitedly while running out of the house. I stared at the front door for a second, wondering if I had actually just seen Drystan run out of the house that excited. I heard him yell at me to 'get the hell out of the house and in the goddamn car', I rolled my eyes but obeyed.


It usually took about an hour to get to the store, but I took a short cut, which was why we were there in 30 minutes. Drystan was out of the car at the speed of fucking sound, I got out as well, looking around for him. 

It was like he disappeared into thin air. 

"Drystan!" I yelled when I noticed him already going inside, without me, it irked me that he would just leave me behind and not wait. I was the one with the drivers license so if he wanted a ride home, he's gonna need some fucking patience. 

I grabbed a cart, starting at the meat section. I was a werewolf, I wasn't made to eat greens. 

Even though I did love broccoli. 

I looked around once again, trying to find Drystan but had no luck. It was like he hadn't been in a store before, I understand that vampires are privileged to a lot of things but don't they at least grocery shop? 

I grabbed some pork, multiple packets just in case, and some chicken. I didn't know what Drystan liked so I decided to just get shit I liked and hope he liked it. Wouldn't be my fault if he starved, his own fault for running off like something was chasing him. 

I had only chosen this store because of Drystan, so that he could get whatever he wanted to eat but instead I was shopping all by myself in a huge ass store that had too many people in it. It shouldn't annoy me, but it really fucking did. 

Who does he think he is? Just running off like that without a fucking word? Not even a fucking look, he didn't even look back at me when I had yelled his name earlier, he had just kept on walking. 

I continued putting things in the cart, from meat to candy. I also grabbed 2 big bags of frozen broccoli cause I'm a slut for broccoli. 

When I came to the cereal isle, I was honestly shocked. I wasn't expecting this many types of cereal, I mean it's fucking cereal! I just grabbed one that said 'honey flavored', it seemed like the most tame one. 

I still hadn't seen Drystan either, I don't know how long I've been in the store, I walked around pretty quickly grabbing everything I either wanted or felt like I needed. I went to the self check-out area, I did not want to speak to a cashier since I didn't wanna take my anger out on them by ripping their head of their body. 

So I chose the safe option. 

I packed the grocery bags as I was scanning the items, so it would be faster and I was out of the store in less than 10 minutes. Carrying at least 5 bags filled with groceries. 

I saw Drystan leaning against the car, as casual as ever as if he hadn't just abandoned me in a store filled with annoying people to go and do god knows what. I immediately scowled, hating the way my body reacted to just seeing him. 

I walked past him, opening the trunk, ever so gently throwing the bags into it. I got in on the driver side, not looking at Drystan as I started driving back home. He tried making light conversation with me, as if nothing was wrong. 

I don't know why I felt the way I did, I felt ignored even though he was talking to me, I was hurt by him just leaving me like that. I could feel my wolf clawing inside of me, begging to be let out. One thing me and my wolf shared was that we hated feeling strong emotions, such as sadness. 

I heard the passenger side door slam shut, which snapped me out of my trance to notice we were home. I watched as Drystan went in the house, not bothering to help me with the groceries which left me speechless and angry. 

Who the fuck does he think he is? 

I got out of the car, and like the maid I was, grabbed the grocery bags and brought them inside. I scoffed when I saw Drystan laying on the couch watching TV. I went to the kitchen, starting to unload the bags, putting everything in their right places while also tidying up the kitchen. 

"What did you get?" I felt Drystan ask as his arms snake around my waist and I tensed for a second before pushing him off of me and continuing what I was doing, 

"Ace? Why are you ignoring me?" I scoffed at his question, putting the last item inside the fridge before slamming it shut and leaning against the counter. 

"I'm ignoring you? Who the fuck was the one that was so excited to go grocery shop but ended up running off and making me do it alone? Hm? You ran off, said nothing, didn't fucking react when I yelled after you, didn't even bother to help me bringing the groceries in, didn't bother to help me unpack everything. And I'm the one who's ignoring you?" I saw the way his eyes filled with guilt as he tried to come up with an explanation. I rolled my eyes, walking past him and to my room, with him right behind me. 

"I- I didn't know you needed help, I thought you could do it on your own? Like the way you've been making us breakfast, lunch and dinner?" Oh yeah, I completely forgot, I had been making the food. 

Which hadn't bothered me, but now it really did. The way he said it made me feel like I was just some sort of a fucking maid for him. Like I was just there to baby him. 

"You thought. I'm not saying I couldn't do it, I'm saying a little fucking help, a little decency, would've been fucking nice." I snapped angrily, raking my fingers through my hair. 

I needed to go on a goddamn run. 

I walked towards the front door, taking my shirt off in the process, with Drystan right behind me still. 

"Where are you going? Are you mad at me?" Drystan asked worriedly, grabbing my shirt after I threw it on the floor. 

"I'm going on a run, don't know when I'll be back, don't stay up."


That was a bit harsh..


I actually don't know who's side to be on, like Ace does have a point but Drystan has to have some sort of an explanation... right? 

This chapter was hard to write tbh, it was supposed to just be sweet and cute but then it took a really big turn. 

My ideas for this chapter just completely changed the moment I started writing it.


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