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"ready ladies?"

"yes coach!"

"are we gonna bring in the gold?"

"yes coach!"

"then get in there, and kick lion ass!" coach hale yelled, earning loud screams from the girls volleyball team. "get in!"

the girls started to pile in the bus, rosie being the first one on, noticed something abnormal. she looked to the side and saw them. the whole entire boys football team.

she glared at calum.

"you gotta be fucking kidding me."

calum smirked and chuckled.

"coach! why are they here?"

"budget cuts," she answered. "i cant believe they lump the two best teams in this school in the same bus."

"i can't either."

"come on girls. load it up."

"boys, move," said coach bynes, eyeing rosie, who was now known for being a mouthful. the boys moved to the back half of the bus and the girls stayed in front. rosie was about to sit down next to eden when she noticed calum was right behind her.

"lola, switch with me," she said, making a face and looking back at calum.

"priss," he commented.

"watch it, hood," ciara glared him down, not liking the way he spoke to rosie.

he didn't reply, just huffed in annoyance. rosie and ciara high-fived each other in victory.

during the ride to south sydney, rosie fell asleep due to the long commute. calum was sitting with his earbuds, alone, looking out the window.

something from the corner of his eye caught his attention, and next thing calum knew, he was holding rosie before she fell on the bus floor, still sleeping soundly. calum looked at lola and eden, who were watching him with wide eyes in shock of his reflexes.

calum awkwardly threw her back into the seat so she wouldn't fall over again and didn't say a word. he didn't have to.

once they got to the school he walked off and went straight for the locker room. he changed and once he laced his shoes, he left out to the field. he had to take his mind off of what happened. within 20 minutes, his game was already starting.

calum got into his position as forward and shook hands with the opposite team, but his attention was stolen by a group of girls in volleyball uniforms. he couldn't believe they were gonna watch his game again.

the whistle was blown and the game started. rosie looked at calum's legs, muscles flexing as he ran and dribbled the ball, passing it to a teammate. he had amazing thighs, but rosie shook those thoughts out of her head.

instead, her mind took her into a memory as she dazed out of the game.

"what are you doing?" rosie asked, looking at 8 year old calum playing soccer with his older sister and rosie's older brother marco.

"just playing ro," marco replied.

"i wanna play!" rosie said excitedly.

"no!" calum yelled immediately.

just to annoy her brother, mali responded with a smile, "sure rosie. me and you versus marco and cal."

"okay!" rosie smiled, running towards them enthusiastically.

mali giggled as they kicked the ball around the boys and tried to score. marco got control of the ball from rosie and she tried her best to get it from him, but he passed it to calum. rosie ran to calum and tried to get the ball, but calum was already trained in football, so it was near to impossible, or so calum thought. within a spilt second, rosie had managed to get the ball from him and ran with it to score.

calum had never felt so embarrassed, so humiliated.

rosie ran happily, filled with giggles as she was about to score. calum tried everything he could to get it from her and stopping her from scoring a goal on him. he ignored his sisters words of encouragement for rosie and did all in his willpower. an intrusive thought filled calums mind and before he knew it, he acted on it.

"rosie!" ciara's voice pulled rosie out of her mind. she looked at her with confusion. "are you okay? why are you crying?"

"huh?" rosie touched her face and realized she was in fact crying.

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