Etain Tur-Mukan: Order 66

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Having succeeded on Kaller, Etain stood by a tree. It was now night on Kaller, as clone sergeant Miles came over.

Miles- General, I bring word.

Etain- Yes sergeant?

Miles- commander Cody reports general Grievous has been destroyed.

Etain- (smiles), then it is near, the end of this horrid war.

Miles- Yes ma'am.

(Miles had transferred from the 501st, and was now the top superior of Etain's clones, as the other commanders had perished in the recent battle)

Etain- What of operations here?

Miles- The Separatists have all but left, so the battle here is pretty much won, ma'am.

Etain- Very good.

Miles- I best inform the others.

Etain- Of course.

Miles goes to inform the other clones of the war's near close. Etain decides to contact another Jedi to see just how close. That Jedi being Luminara Unduli, a good friend of Etain's, who was currently on Kashyyyk.

Luminara- Etain, good evening I presume?

Etain- Yes, I was just informed.

Luminara- As was I.

Etain- How are things on Kashyyyk?

Luminara- The battle just concluded here, but we're awaiting to see if that is really the case.

Etain- As are we here on Kaller, master Billaba tells me so far, the Separatists forces have been beaten.

Luminara- Good news, I will relay that to master Yoda.

Etain- Very well, I will let you resume your duties then, master unduli.

Luminara- Very well Etain, may the force be with you.

Etain- You as well.

End transmission. Over to Miles, who receives a message from the Chancellor.

Palpatine- Sergeant Miles, the time has come. Execute order 66.

Miles- It will be done, my lord.

End transmission. Over to Etain, who was now in deep thought, and suddenly felt a few horrible things occurring through the force, but she couldn't really decipher what.

Etain- (in deep thought)

(Blaster fire)

Depa Billaba- You must run!

Mira Wurhui- Captain? Spier, do you copy?

(a fighter explodes)

(More blaster fire)

Elaine Martinez- (screams out in pain)

Captain Rex- Find him...


(sound of force lightning)

Mace- Ah, no!

Barriss- Troopers, watch your right!

(An AT-TE gun fires)

Eeth Koth- You will not get away with this treachery!

Yoda- Something's wrong, alert we must remain.

(more blaster fire)

Bultar Swan- No, Koffi. Stay with me...

(more blaster fire, sound of a lightsaber deflecting blaster fire, before being knocked away, and deactivating)

Depa Billaba- AAAHHH, RUN!!!

(vision of Jedi master Shaak Ti igniting her lightsaber)

Shaak Ti- Drop your weapons!

???- Execute order 66.

(vision of an AT-TE firing at Obi-Wan Kenobi riding a creature on a cliff, and the Jedi master falls (presumably to his death).

Etain was shocked by the visions that the clones were turning against their Jedi, and slaughtering them. When she opened her eyes, a look of shock and fear painted her face. She immediately summoned and ignited her green lightsaber, and spun around just in time to deflect a blaster shot from Miles. She then deflected several shots from the other clones, sending them back at them, but only towards their arms, as she didn't want to kill them. She then forced pushed Miles into a tree behind him, knocking him unconscious, she then used the time to rush off through the forests. She had sensed so much confusion, fear, hurt, but especially death. She felt the deaths of Elaine Martinez above Mandalore, B'inka Fibuna on Onderon, and even one of her closer friends, Depa Billaba, here on Kaller. Tears ran down her face as she continued running, her lightsaber still ignited down by her side. Etain didn't know what to do, all she could do was run, and trust that the force would guide her through this sudden, and heartbreaking shift.

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