Elizabeth Mareel: Sensing the Fall

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As Elizabeth stood near commander Hades on the shoreline of Kashyyyk, she suddenly felt a massive shockwave through the force. It was a warning, a warning from her master. Mace Windu was falling, that she knew, but he was telling her something. Through the force, he stated that there was a secret danger to the Jedi, but he was unaware what exactly. He said she should be prepared for anything. All she could hear in her head was him telling her to run, and so run she did. Not before grabbing fellow Jedi master and friend, Luminara Unduli, and pulling her away. Elizabeth told Hades and the men that something was going on, and the two of them were required elsewhere, so she ordered him, Faie, and their men to remain behind, and they obliged. All Elizabeth did was keep hold of Luminara, and run for her life.

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