Mace Windu: the Intervention of Anakin Skywalker

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As Mace Windu walked to the nearby gunship, Anakin Skywalker rushes up to him.

Mace: Ah, Anakin. We have just received word that master Kenobi has destroyed general Grievous on Utapau. We're off to ensure the chancellor will restore his emergency powers to the senate.

Anakin: He won't give up his power, I've just learned a terrible truth. Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith lord.

Mace: (surprised look), a Sith lord?

Anakin: Yes, the one we've been looking for. He knows the ways of the force, but was trained to use the dark side.

Mace: (nods), then our worst fears have been realized.

Anakin: What do we do?

Mace: Hm. We will confront him.

Anakin: You'll need my help master.

Mace: Not right now. Look, if what you have told me is true, you will have gained my full trust. Wait in the council chambers until we return.

Anakin does as instructed, even though he does remain conflicted. Meanwhile, Mace headed off to the senate building to confront Palpatine, along with fellow Jedi masters Saesee Tiin, Stass Allie, and Cin Drallig. They reach the senate, and walk to his office. He sat in a chair in the middle of his private office.

Palpatine: Master Windu, I take it general Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say you're here sooner than expected.

Mace: In the name of the galactic senate of the Republic. (ignites his lightsaber). You're under arrest, Chancellor.

Saesee, Stass, and Cin ignite their lightsabers, all green.

Palpatine: (frowns). Are you threatening me, master Jedi?

Mace: The senate will decide your fate.

Palpatine: I am the senate.

Mace: Not yet.

Palpatine rises from his seat, and summon a red lightsaber from underneath his right sleeve.

Palpatine: It's treason, then.

Palpatine ignites his lightsaber, and lunges at the four Jedi, letting out a Sith war cry before landing in front of them. Palpatine veered left, slicing Saesee Tiin in half. He then strikes at Stass, who blocked his attack, albeit with some struggle. Cin joined in, keeping the pressure off her, as he knew the Sith lord was targeting the weakest Jedi of the 3 who were left. He blocks a few strikes from the Sith lord, but Palpatine's blade suddenly goes through Stass' abdomen, killing her instantly, and she collapses, leaving Cin and Mace, who battled the Sith lord all the way to his front office. Cin and Mace proved too powerful for him, but he summoned his second lightsaber, and focused on Cin. The battlemaster kept up for about 10 minutes, but he was then sliced across the knee, and then decapitated by the Sith, leaving the master of the order to face the Sith alone.

Meanwhile, in the council chambers. Anakin had ultimately made what was the right decision. He thought about it long and hard, and trusted in the force. Palpatine couldn't save Padme, she wasn't even in danger, Palpatine was only trying to turn him to the dark side for his own gain, but now Anakin saw through his lies, and it would never work now.

Back in Palpatine's office, the Sith lord had gotten distracted by the shift in the force from Skywalker. This caused enough time for Mace to slice one of Palpatine's lightsabers in half, and then to kick the Sith lord in the face, sending his other lightsaber out the broken window. As Windu approached, saber still ignited, Palpatine faked being weak. As Mace brought his lightsaber up, Palpatine seized his moment, and shot lightning at the Jedi master.

Palpatine: POWER!!!

Mace: (screams in pain), ugh, no!


Palpatine then sends the master of the order out of the window, along with his purple lightsaber, which had deactivated. Palpatine decided he would execute order 66 in mere moments, knowing Anakin would now never fall. He also decided not to join in on this purge personally, as Anakin was the chosen one, he could defeat the Sith lord. Master Shaak Ti was also back at the temple, so it would be too risky. Palpatine raised his hood over his head, and prepared for the ultimate checkmate.

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