Anakin Skywalker: Order 66

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Anakin had left Feral to go find Shaak Ti, whilst he went to the doors of the Jedi temple. Outside, he saw the gatemaster, Jurokk. The two spoke just outside the entrance to the temple.

Anakin- Master Jurokk.

Jurokk- Skywalker. What is it?

Anakin- I'm a little worried. Master Windu has yet to return, which is odd.

Jurokk- I confess, I am worried about that myself.

Anakin- Master 'SHE said that clones were coming up the steps of the temple.

Jurokk- (confused look), why would they come here, and why now?

Anakin- I'm not sure master, and neither are the other masters.

They see the clones in the short distance, they had finally reached the top steps, but they continued their march. Anakin recognized the blue and white armor, they were from his battalion, the 501st. What in the force were they doing here?

Anakin- Troopers!

The clones didn't reply, they kept marching. That is, until some turned their attention to Anakin and Jurokk, and to their ultimate confusion, the clones fired upon them. Jurokk was not swift enough to reach for his lightsaber, and was immediately shot down, but Anakin had his lightsaber out and ignited, deflecting the oncoming blaster fire. He rushed back inside the temple, closing the large entrance doors behind him. Master Coleman KCAJ approached with a worried tone.

Coleman- Skywalker, what is going on?

Anakin- (shakes his head and deactivates his lightsaber), I don't know master KCAJ, the clones were marching this way, then they opened fire on me and master Jurokk, master Jurokk was killed. I don't get it, those clones were members of my battalion, why were they coming here and why did they attack us?

Coleman- I do not know young Skywalker. Master Windu never returned?

Anakin- No.

Coleman- Troubling.

Anakin- Who is the most senior Jedi present at the temple right now?

Coleman- That would be master Ti.

Anakin- I'd better find her and warn her. This was a large number of clones, that none of the Jedi here will be prepared to fight.

As if on cue, master Shaak Ti approaches them, Feral beside her. She too had concern on her face, as well as in her tone.

Shaak Ti- Skywalker, Feral tells me there are clones approaching the temple?

Anakin- Yeah, but I think...I think they came here to kill us.

Shaak Ti- (shocked expression), what makes you say that?

Anakin- They opened fire on me and the gatemaster outside just now. Master Jurokk is dead.

Shaak Ti was speechless, as was Feral.

Anakin- I saw a large number of clones outside.

Shaak Ti- How many?

Anakin- Enough to wipe all the Jedi here out.

Feral- (turns to the Jedi master), what do we do master?

Shaak Ti- (thinks). Hm, we may have little choice. I will have an emergency announcement made. Master Kristine Deselo was in the communication center, last I checked. I'll have her announce that we will be evacuating the Jedi temple, effective immediately.

Coleman- A wise move master Ti, but one that many here may disagree with.

Shaak Ti- Master KCAJ, when they see what is about to occur, they will have no choice. Whatever this betrayal may be, it remains clear we cannot stay on Coruscant.

Anakin- Ok, so what do WE do?

Shaak Ti- Skywalker, you are with me. We will hold the clones off as long as possible. Master KCAJ, round up some temple guards. Feral, find master Osedh, and ready the transports for launch.

Feral- On it master!

Feral leaves to complete his task, as does master KCAJ.

Anakin- Master Ti. Whatever happens, I...just want to say thank you. You always treated me differently than most of the other council members, and your adivce never led me astray.

Shaak Ti- I am glad I could be of assistance to you. But do not get sad, and do not get negative, the fight has yet to begin.

Just as she says that, the door of the temple flew open, and the clones all began raising their blasters.

Shaak Ti- Now, it begins.

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